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  2 years later.
Entering Task Force 141 HQ.
Location: Unknown.
Status: Active.

"-waiting for clearance to land." I listened over the headset to the helicopter pilot talking to the control tower.

As I waited for the helicopter to land, I adjusted my sunglasses while checking that my clothes were presentable. I was wearing a long sleeved black long sleeve shirt with elbow length sleeves, my black cargo pants, my boots and my camo colored bullet vest that bore my last name, rank and the nation's flag.

The helicopter began to descend, until it was completely on the ground. The co-pilot climbed down and opened the door so I could get out. Grabbing my two bundles full of clothes and important papers, I stepped out of the helicopter and saw the first familiar face, John Price.

"Sergeant Gates."

"Captain Price."

We stood for a few seconds staring at each other when suddenly he hugged me.

"Melina. How have you been?"

"Fine even though I know you were looking out for me this whole time," I said accepting his hug and laughing a little.

"Well...no comment, let's go." Price stopped hugging me even though he was smiling and took one of my bundles.

As I walked in all that was there were pictures of missions or flags of fallen soldiers. Then I saw my dad in a picture next to Price.

"You were always such a good friend to my dad, huh?" I asked Price who was standing behind me silently as he watched me.

"Pfff, girl, I was his best friend." He said as he smiled.

I couldn't contain myself and laugh along with him.

After a couple of minutes, Price finished giving me the grand tour of the entire base, we entered the quarters floor. We walked to the end of the hallway and stood in front of the left door.

Price opened the door and inside was just a bed, a desk, drawers to store clothes and a small weapons locker.

"This will be your room on the base. Everyone else is in this hallway but me. I have a separate room. Unfortunately since you are the only female so far in our union...the bathrooms are shared. I've already started the paperwork so we can make a separate bathroom for you since you are our first female so you can have privacy." Price said as he laid my bundle on top of the bed.

"Oh...well. Thanks." I said with a bit of discouragement knowing that I will have to bathe along with some of other men. Kind of weird.

"Sure. We'll have a meeting in 10min, see you in the briefing room." Price said goodbye and closed my door after leaving.

I took a sigh as I looked around.
After a few seconds in silence, I began to unpack my belongings.

When I finished unpacking, I walked to the meeting room...as I entered there was Price and other soldiers who were seated, while Price was standing in front of a large whiteboard.

As Price saw me enter and the other men who were seated turned to look at me, I felt a little nervous.

Price gave me the signal to approach him.
"Bastards, who doesn't know, Task Force 141 will now have our first female sergeant. I hope you give her a warm welcome and make her feel at home. I don't want to hear that you've been giving her a hard time because I swear I'll cut your fucking balls off." Price said as he played with a wooden stick in his mouth.

All the guys started laughing at what Price had said even though the mysterious and very attractive man, who had seen him before and heard many stories about him, showed no facial movement whatsoever under his mask.

"Sergeant Gates." I greeted the others, as I looked straight at the men I saw 3 familiar faces. Kyle, MacTavish and of course, Simon.

Kyle and MacTavish gave me a small smile, which I returned as well. between MacTavish and Simon there was a chair available, so I walked over to where it was and sat down between the two men.

The trip had been so long that as I sat in a chair with no movement, my sleep began to attack me. I was trying not to fall asleep because Price was explaining our next mission plus this would be my first mission being in the Task Force.

Everything went black.

But- I felt someone or something moving me, I opened my eyes and in front of me was Soap kneeling with a smile.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty. The meeting ended 1 hour ago." Soap said.

Then I remembered that the captain was talking about something very very important. Fuck.

I bolted upright, oblivious to the fact that I was sleeping on Ghost's almost shoulder arm. I mean...Ghost spent that whole hour that I fell asleep without moving because I was glued to him? Interesting.

Ghost and Soap stood up at the same time.

"Did the captain see me?"

"Quite possibly yes." Soap said as he laughed lightly.


*ring ring*
Soap Pulled a phone out of his pocket and answered it.
"Talk to you later Gates. Btw welcome!"

Soap said goodbye and walked out of the room as he continued on his call.

"Here." Ghost handed me some papers.

I looked at them real quick and they were about the mission.
"Thank you-"

"You need to pay attention and be professional, Sergeant." Ghost interrupted me.

"Right- I'm sorry. I was too tired-"

"Save your excuses. Just start being more professional." Ghost turned and walked out of the meeting room.

What's wrong with him?
I mean- yes you're right, I was wrong to fall asleep while the captain was giving an important meeting, it was a little unprofessional...but- what's his problem?!

I walked to my room after taking a light bath, since there was no one in the bathrooms I took the opportunity. Upon entering , I quickly lay down on my bed while taking the papers Ghost had given me.

"Interesting...damn my luck." I said as I scoffed to myself as I slowly read the papers.

I had been assigned Ghost as my "battle buddy" , damn it!

"John 'soap' MacTavish along with Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick and Simon 'Ghost' Riley along with Melina 'Rebel' Gates....unbelievable." I rearranged the papers on my desk and proceeded to lie back down.

"Damn...it's just unbelievable. Only to me does this stupid shit happen." I continued talking to myself.

Just.... Fuck!

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