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"This is ghost-I do copy."

"Grab your fucking binoculars and tell us what's going on in the fucking street!" Price shouted at Ghost.

"Yes sir." Ghost turned off his mic and finished dressing in a second. He ran over to the window and grabbed the binoculars.

I was just finishing gearing up when we heard gunshots.

I grabbed my gun and stood by the door-"FUCKING HELL!" Ghost yelled.

"Johnny, there are 4 running towards your position." He said again.

Uff...we fucked up. We fucked mission. Shit.

"What do you mean four?! YOU GUYS WERE SUPPOSED TO BE LOOKING! WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?!" Price yelled again.

Ghost ran to the table and grabbed the sniper and readied it at the window ready to fire.

"Captain, ready to receive orders to take out the enemy." He said over the channel.

"Soap, is your position compromised or can you escape?" Laswell asked.

"Uh-we can escape." Soap said making me feel a little more at peace.

"Roger. Ghost order denied." Laswell replied to ghost.

We were waiting for Soap and Gaz to escape from their positions to where Alejandro and Rodolfo were- "MACTAVISH, ENEMY AHEAD!" Alejandro shouted this time.

A few gunshots rang out....I looked at Ghost and Ghost never took his eyes off the sniper scope....

"SOAP?!" Price asked.

But soap never answered...oh my god.....no fuck...please God if you're going to punish me do it another way...don't kill him ....don't kill him.....

"JOHNNY ?!" Ghost shouted this time. His voice was one of desperation.



"Roger, sir."

Ghost lowered the sniper and started getting all his gear while I did the same. We took off running but looking everywhere until we reached the meeting point.

The helicopter was already waiting for us- Alejandro along with Rodolfo were carrying Gaz while Soap covered them.

Ghost helped Alejandro and Rodolfo to get Gaz into the helicopter while I covered Soap.

The helicopter took off, I dropped my weapon and knelt down next to Gaz.

"Alejandro, take Gaz's vest off." I ordered as I focused on Gaz's face.

Alejandro removed, Gaz's vest and pulled up his shirt.
Gaz had two bullet wounds, one in his left shoulder and the other in his stomach. He was bleeding to dead.

Ghost handed me the first aid kit - I sterilized my hands and grabbed the roll of gauze.

"Gaz, do you hear me?! This is going to hurt!" I warned him before wiping alcohol on his wounds.

Gaz nodded his head in agreement as he tried to hold in his pain.

I passed the alcohol and Gaz started screaming from the pain- "sorry!" I said as I took the gauze and pushed the gauze into his wounds looking for the origin of the bleeding.

My fingers were inside his wounds making him scream...Alejandro along with Soap were holding him so he wouldn't move.

I closed his two wounds with the gauze so I could stop the bleeding a little and he wouldn't bleed out to dead.

"Look at me Gaz!" I grabbed Gaz's face and turn on a flashlight in front of his eyes to see his reactions.

His eyes were fine and he was alert, showing no signs of shock or neurological problems. That's good.

"Landing." The pilot warned us.

The helicopter touched the floor and the medical soldiers quickly opened the doors and took Gaz on a stretcher.

We all got out and saw Laswell and Price waiting for us. Price's face was very serious as he looked at me and Ghost.

"Gates and Ghost with me." He said to us as he turned around and walked away.

Ghost and I followed Price into his office...as we entered Ghost and I stood in front of the desk in position.

Price slammed the door making me close my eyes in shock. He walked over to the desk and threw all the papers on the floor. He was so full of rage. I'm not gonna lie...I'm fucking scared right now.

He stood behind his desk and put his hands on each side of his waist.


"Permission to speak." Ghost asked.

"Permission granted."

"I want to take full blame for what happened. I left my position and I was distracted. It is all my fault and I apologize."

I opened my eyes and looked at him- "WHAT?! NO-"


Price looked at me and then looked at Ghost- "Gates, you told me that what happened between you two wasn't going to affect any of our operations...and look what happened!"

"Price- I'm sorry-"

"Sir! I don't know what you talked with 'Rebel' about, but, this was nothing between the two of us. There is absolutely nothing going on between the two of us and I can assured you that it doesn't affect our work. What happened today was my fault, I left my position." Ghost interrupted me again.

He called me by my codename...he didn't even say my last name...I had never heard him refer to me or about me as 'Rebel'...and that, we are nothing?! Wow.

"Okay. I don't know what the fuck went through your fucking head, Riley. But don't let it happen again! Because I won't forgive a second time."

"Thank you very much, sir. I promise it will never happen again. But- I'd like to ask you a favor."

"Go ahead, son."

"I'd like to ask for a change of partner."

I looked at Ghost in surprise...what the fuck is he doing?!

"WHAT-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I asked him, but he never looked at me. He was ignoring me.

"Reasons?" Price asked him with confusion.

"Rebel, it's a distraction to my work."

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