"Fuck the mission"

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"Let's play...a game called..simon says."

"Mmm...okay." I replied as I bite my lips with a smile.

"Turn off your mic." Simon said to me as he took off his helmet and turned off his mic as well.

I agreed and took off my helmet.

"Simon says...take off your vest."

I gave a smirk and started to take off my vest- "what are you thinking, mr.Simon ?"

"Simon says...to stand in front of that table and spread your beautiful legs."

I got up from the floor and walked over to the wooden table which was occupied with all our equipment, computers, radios, sniper and ammunition.

"Simon says...turn around." Simon at no time stood up from his chair, he was sitting with his legs spread and his hands on his thighs as he looked at me.

I turned around and now my hips and stomach were touching the edge of the table as I supported myself with my hands.

I heard Simon get up and walk over to where i was until he positioned himself right behind me....

"Simon says...bring your hands all the way to your back." Simon was talking close to my ear...but he wasn't touching me.

I brought my hands to my back which caused me to touch the start of Simon's thighs. Simon removed his belt-"wh-what are you doing?" I asked.

"Shhh...calm down."
Simon took my hands and tied them with his belt- "Simon says...lay down on the table."

I leaned down on the table slowly with my head turned to the left side.

"You can spread your legs wider than that..." Simon said while with his foot he pushed mine and spread my legs wider.

Simon ran his tattooed arm down my hips to the front of my pants and with just that one hand unbuttoned my pants.

"Simon-we're on a mission..." I said a little nervously.

"Fuck the mission. My dick is too hard."

Simon pulled down my pants along with my underwear leaving my whole ass naked. He knelt in front of me as I listened to him take off his gloves and throw them on the table.... "you're a fucking work of art, baby." He said running his fingers up and down my thighs.

"Yeah? You think so...because you haven't seen yourself...you are the work of art."

"Nah...you beat me."

Then I felt his tongue run all over my private parts making me roll my eyes- "omg...that tongue of yours.."

"You like it?" he asked and focused on my pussy again.

"I love it-f-f-fuck."
I felt Simon's fingers enter as he continued to eat me.

"Don't-don't stop." I said as I tried to hide my moans with fear that we could get caught fucking on the mission.

Simon never stopped fingering me but from 2 went to 3 fingers as he pulled them in and out fast hitting my G-spot precisely. He knew me inside and out perfectly.

He knew how to make me come-"o-oh my- shit!"' I started moaning louder as my legs tried to stay straight.

"Show me how bad you want me....do it!"

I kept moaning trying not to come so fast but it was impossible...he knows what he's doing and he knows he's doing it so well.

"Let it go baby...come on." He said as he kept pulling his fingers in and out...he attached his mouth to my thigh and started biting and sucking on it leaving me probably a big hickey.

"I- I'm going to come-" I rolled my eyes as I tried to enjoy and endure the pain of the biting Simon was doing on my thighs.

"Do it, for me."

Then I came, my legs started to shake making me feel weaker and my eyes kept rolling.

Simon stood up and unbuttoned his pants....
"Simon says...that we should probably fuck." He gave a chuckle and ran his cock through my entrances making me shiver from how sensitive I was.

"Then fuck me."

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