"Bad news"

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Simon's pov:

We have been working non-stop and have been trying to communicate as soon as possible with the unit: GHOSTS, but we have not succeeded.

I was informed that we could now see Melina. Basically Price and I went to talk to Melina's doctor.

"Legal guardian of Sgt. Melina Gates?" The doctor asked opening the doors to Melina's room.

Price and I stood up-"yes, that's me." Price said.

"Name?" The doctor asked.

"Captain John Price."

The doctor lowered his papers- "Captain Price, I think we should have a conversation, about Melina's condition. By any chance is her mother alive?"

John was quiet for a moment- "Yes, she's alive."

"it would be better if you call her and tell her she should come as soon as possible.." The doctor said making us worry.

"What? What's going on? Is Melina okay?" Price asked.

"We need to talk in private." The doctor said but quickly looked at me.

Price looked- "He can be here, he's part of the family."

Part of the family...

"Okay, come on in." The doctor ushered us into Melina's room.

Melina was lying down, in her hospital clothes, there were lots and lots of machines around her, there was a huge sleeve of oxygen stuck in her mouth and the machines were beeping.

Price and I stood there for a few seconds looking at her....

"What do she have, doctor?" Price asked taking off his hat.

"Melina came in here with a major bleed in her head, inside her head she had a brain hemorrhage. Melina lost reflexes, motor functions like speaking or being able to open her eyes and move, she also has pulmonary failure, she can't breathe on her own. She went into a coma herself. I'm very sorry, for both of you." The doctor said.

Price and I were silent we didn't understand anything the doctor had just said.

"What do you mean? Just tell me." Price said.

I'm not ready to hear this.
"John, in other words Melina has practically entered the qualification and diagnosis of a brain dead person. I'm very sorry." The doctor said again but this time he put his hand on Price's shoulder comforting him.

The doctor came out and left us in the room...neither Price nor I spoke a word after the doctor left the room.

I leaned off the bed as I kept trying to figure out how this happened...she was fine...well she wasn't in excellent shape but she had come back to life, she was breathing on her own and she even spoke...like- how can she be like this in this state now?! BRAIN DEAD ?! How?!

I was very upset...because I am sad...I'm afraid, afraid of losing her too. She-she's all I need.

"I- I'll go call Jennifer...I'm so sorry, Simon." Price said to me.


Price left the room and I sat down next to Melina's bed. I took off my glove, took her hand and it was cold....

Once...I had read before that supposedly there was a theory that coma patients could hear their surroundings...Melina did it with Gaz...and it seems it was true because Gaz could hear her.....

I can't believe I'm doing this.

"Hi- Melina...it's me....Simon."

I fell in silence....
"I know you're in there, that diagnosis they gave you must be wrong, there's no way you're not in there anymore. So-please wake up. We're all very worried, Price and your mother are worried. You must wake up, please...don't- don't put us through this.... don't put me through this."

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{⚠️Sorry for taking so long, today was a crazy day. Also sorry for the short chapter, the next ones will be as long as ever. We are getting closer to the end. I know it will be an ending that no one will like but the good news is that I will make a sequel to this book because there are many more things I want to write but this first part needs to be finished. So no! THIS STORY IS NOT GOING TO END THAT FAST!❤️🫶 }

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