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We were all waiting in the meeting room where Price was supposed to be about 2 hours ago.

Simon and I were sitting next to each other while Soap was sitting on Ghost's left side while Farah was sitting on my right side.

Alejandro and Rodolfo along with their team were in the back row.

"Hey- Farah, what happened the day you talked to Alex?" I asked remembering that we had that pending conversation.

"Alex, he got upset with me because I didn't come back. He already got his vacation and since we were supposed to get married and I'm still around...well he told me he feels like I'm regretting everything."

I opened my eyes- "Are you serious?! It's not your fault that we're still on this mission."

"That's what I tried to make him understand but he won't listen to me. Without lying to you....I'm a little nervous..."

"Because of the wedding?"

"Yes...I'm scared. But I'm also excited...I want to make a lifetime with him. Ever since I first saw him...I knew I had to be with him."

"Where did you meet him?"

"On a mission." Farah said and her cheeks turned pink.

"Hey-" I was going to tell her but Price came into the room along with Laswell. Price looked very upset.

"Listen everyone...we've been pulled out of the operation and the whole mission." Price told us.

We all looked at each other like "how is that possible?!"

"Shepard replaced us with Shadow company, from now on they will be in charge of everything and they have custody of Valeria Garza." Laswell continued as Price was very upset.

"So what are we going to do?" Soap asked.
We all had the same question though.

"That motherfucker Shepard, he gave us all a vacation. We all go home tomorrow at 0700 (7:00am)" Price said as he walked to the door.

"Fuck the mission then. I want to see my family now." Soap said with a smile.

"Well...then I'll get married!" Farah told me. I was so happy for everyone...until I remembered Simon...he had no one outside of work.....

Simon got up and walked outside....
"I'll be back shortly." I said to soap and Farah.

I went outside and ran over to Ghost.
"Hey." I said taking his hand.


"What are you going to do? On your vacation?"

"Go home and wait for them to call me back."  Damn that's sad.

"Where do you live?"
I hope mom doesn't feel bad...


"We're off to London then." I gave him a huge smile.


"But nothing! I'm going with you to London." I turned around and walked back into the building.

Now I must inform Price that I will not be going to Seattle again.

I knocked on Price's office door twice and heard a lot of strange noises then the door opened.

Laswell's shirt was a little wrinkled and her hair was a little messy. No way...Price and Laswell?! Nahhhhh I don't think so!

"Oh- Melina...Laswell was just leaving...we were in a meeting, weren't we?"

"Yes, yes Captain. Then that will happen...talk to you later. Bye Melina!" Laswell grabbed her computer and left the office with a smile.

I walked into the office and there were several things out of place on Price's desk...I sat down and watched him watch me as he also took a seat.

"Mmm..and well?" he asked me as he crossed his hands.

"I'm not going to Seattle. I'll be spending my vacation with Simon in London."

"Oh...but you won't be going to see your mom?" Price asked me dropping the smile he had.

"Yes, I'll go eventually. Besides will you be with her or not?" Now it's my time to bring it up.

"Uh- I-yeah, yeah, yeah sure."

"What's going on with you and Laswell?" I asked with a big smile.

"What?! Nothing! Nothing. We're old friends and buddies." Price said waving his hands.

"Don't lie to me , john! Not to me!"

John looked at me and rolled his eyes- "okay, you're very annoying, you know that?!"

"That's how you love me. Besides I'm your only adopted daughter." That's right my people...John and I are basically father and daughter.

"I like her. I've always liked her."

"And so?"

"Well...she's divorced now and I'm divorced too...so...we're having fun and giving each other a chance."

I'm very happy for him. He has always been behind mom's happiness and mine...keeping my dad's promise. He's never given himself a break.

"Will you spend the vacations with her?" I asked.

"No. She'll be working, Shepard gave her a job in the offices. So she won't be on vacation. That's why I'm going to Seattle to see your mom."

"Oh, okay."

"Are you guys going on something serious?" Price asked me.


"You and Riley?"
Omg...this is so weird, it's like having to talk to your dad about a guy, super awkward.

"That's what we're trying. We've had several fights and misunderstandings but we're working on getting better."

Price just looked at me- "Yeah I've heard a few fights from you guys."

"What?! Why?! You've been spying on me?!"

"What?! No! It's not my fault you two don't know how to argue in silence." Price rolled his eyes as he laughed.

I laughed a little too.
"Well...I just want you to know that I'll always have your back. No matter what happens and you can always count on me! Riley is a good men. He's had a lot of problems in his past and he's a tough men but after you really get to know him...he's a really good guy."

"I know, dad." Oh my god. Did I just call him dad?!

Price opened his eyes in surprise and gave a slight smile- "Melina, you're like a daughter to me. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to know what love for a daughter is."

I stood up and walked over to Price. Price got up from his chair and hugged me- "thank you...for always being there for me, Price. I love you so much."

"I love you too, kiddo."

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