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I looked straight at his face which was covered with his mask- "Yes?"

"I want to apologize to you...I was a complete jerk to you from the beginning...unnecessarily. I asked Price to change your position...for my-my personal reasons...which I won't go into in detail...but I know you've never done anything wrong, you're a pretty efficient soldier. Just-just forget it...the point is, .... I apologize." His voice was returning to normal but while he was telling me all that..he was avoiding eye contact with me.

"It's okay. Don't worry, I understand that well...it would have been hard for you to start working with me and having to talk to me because I mean I was a complete stranger, which you don't trust or you just didn't know who I really was."

I can't deny that lately I've been experiencing much more than just a sexual attraction to Simon...but...from just looking at him from afar...my heart won't stop beating like crazy. I feel...like I'm slowly falling in love with him.

But of course...I won't tell him that.

"Yes- I'm really sorry, Mel. I never meant to...I have a hard time adjusting to new things or people."

"Why don't we start out as friends?" I said as I smiled at him...I want to know more about him...beyond that mask.

"Don't you think it's a little late for that? Friends don't fuck or am I wrong?" he asked looking back into my eyes.

"I mean...no...but-we can be...friends...with-with-benefits?" I gave a shy smile. What will he think of me now?! Why the fuck did I say this?! I'm pretty stupid!


"Sure? Like- it's not mandatory."

"Who said you were forcing me?"
You controlling, manipulative, masochistic bastard.

"No one!" I said, rolling my eyes at him.


"Can I ask you something?" I asked him stopping laughing.


"Why the mask?"
As I asked him I could feel his body tense up...his eyes changed...they were now darker and colder looking.

"Ask something else."


"Ask something else." This time his voice raised a little louder with a commanding tone.

"Okay! You don't have to get so defensive! God!"

I stood up off his thighs and walked to the table in front of him and leaned against it as I looked at him.

"In my childhood-my brother, Tommy liked to give me a really hard time...at night, while I was sleeping or it was just nighttime and I was awake, Tommy used to use a skull mask to scare me...that's all I'll tell you."

Wow. So his childhood was pretty fucked up...I shouldn't have asked him.

I'm too curious for this world.

"I'm so sorry." I felt really bad for him...I actually thought he wore that mask 24/7 simply for work.

"It's not your fault, so. Forget it."

"Still, it's not right...thanks for telling me."

"You're welcome , I guess."

We stayed in silence for a few minutes without looking at each other...we just stood there...I was so ashamed of myself for putting myself in this position and being a bitch. No one knows people's inner battles...and I could already understand that Simon's inner battles, are something beyond normal.

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