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We all split up when we arrived at our home base, we all split up to take our respective destinations. Simon asked me more than three times if I was sure I wanted to go with him to London and not Seattle. As much as I wanted to see my mom...I also wanted to be with Simon.

We were now on the plane back to his home. Simon was wearing his mask and people were looking at him with fear or looking at him like he was crazy. But Simon is not bothered by the looks of others.

After 3 hours of flying, the plane landed in London. We took our luggage and were walking out of the airport.

Simon was wearing a black tactical shirt, jeans, his boots and his green vest along with his rank, the British flag and the 'SAS' emblem. I was wearing a black elbow-length sleeved shirt, black cargo pants, my boots, my vest that said my last name, my rank, the American flag and the '141' emblem.

People would pass us by and say 'thank you for your service' or kids would point at us with surprise looks. They made me give a few smiles, Simon just looked at them seriously. I was dying because of his face.

As we were walking I noticed a group of girls staring and pointing at Simon. Their looks were like 'omg, he's so hot' they were biting their lips while looking him up and down, fucking him with their eyes. This annoyed the hell out of me so....

I grabbed Simon's free hand and we crossed our fingers. This was the first time Simon and I had ever held hands- "I never thought your jealousy would be so extreme." He said laughing.

"Look who's talking." I rolled my eyes.
He simply accepted his defeat and kept walking.

We entered the indoor parking lot of the airport and Simon pulled out some keys from his bag. Simon hit the car's beeper and a black, gray Charger Hellcat SRT with orange accents beeped.

I was impressed, this man must make three times what I make. He's got the bag.

Simon opened the trunk of the car and took my bags along with his and put them in the trunk.

I walked to the passenger side and got in. Simon got in the car and started the car. The car sounded amazing, I mean it's a Hellcat.

In the whole way back to his house, all I did was look around, I had never been to London before. Everything looked amazing. I looked like a little girl being taken to a very interesting place.

"You've never been to London?" Simon asked.

"No. This is gorgeous." I told him without taking my eyes off the window.

"We can go out tomorrow if you want?"

I looked at Simon who was focused on the road and i gave him a big smile- "okay!"

After a few minutes we arrived at a huge building, Simon pulled into the under ground parking lot and parked. We got out and grabbed our bags.

"Where are we at?" I asked confused.

"We arrived at my place. I live in an apartment." Simon hit the elevator and it opened.

We were going to the 40th floor. When we got there we walked to the end of the hallway and Simon pulled out some keys and opened the door. When I walked in my mouth dropped open.

Simon's apartment was very beautiful. It was nicely decorated and very clean. It had windows on all sides that overlooked the city from high above. His apartment was simply decorated but I could tell it was not a cheap apartment. The building from the outside looked luxurious. He definitely has money.

"Everything in order?" he asked me.

"Okay, don't lie to me, how much do you make?" I asked laughing.

Simon took off his mask and I could tell he was laughing-"quite a lot."

"How much is quite a lot!" I asked again.

"A lot." Simon continued walking down a hallway entering the last door in the hallway. I followed him because I wanted to know how much was 'a lot'.

When I walked through the door it was Simon's room, yes room do looked like him. Simon took a left turn into the room and opened the doors to his closet.

His closet was quite huge but he only had clothes on the left side of it, while the right side was empty.

"You can put your clothes on the right side, if you want." Simon handed me a pack of hooks to put the clothes on.

I took them and started pulling my clothes out of my bags.
"Tell me how much is a lot!" I asked him again while we both stood with our backs turned putting our clothes away.

"About $460,000 a year."

"WHAT?! IMPOSSIBLE!" I dropped what I was holding in my hand and looked at him.

Simon turned around and started laughing-"how much do you make?"

"When I was out of the Task Force I made $76,413 a year...now that I'm in the Task Force I made $230,000 a year."

"Not bad." Simon Said.

I opened my mouth wide- "Not bad?! Look who says that when he make $460,000 A YEAR?! Who the hell makes more than that?!"

"Captain Price."

"Oh well - it's true."

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After we finished putting away our clothes, Simon showed me his secret closet where he kept his bulletproof vest, his guns and important things from his job. I put my important things together with his.

"Are you hungry?" Simon asked me.

I'm starving.

"Do you like Asian food?"


"Do you want some?" Simon asked me again.


"Okay, I'll be back in 20min." Simon took his wallet, his keys, his phone and his mask.

Yes my people Simon has a phone and miraculously it's a smartphone. He's not a little old man, thanks to the heavenly lord.

"Oh- give me your number." Simon said to me while opening his phone.

"It's (xxx) xxx-xxxx" I told him.

Simon wrote down my number and saved the number-"I'll call you so you can save mine."

My phone started ringing and I saved his number as "Simon🖤" I feel like a teenager exchanging numbers with her crush.

"See you later" Simon went to open the door but I grabbed him by the hand stopping him. I grabbed his neck, stood on my tiptoes and gave him a kiss.

Simon kissed me back- "I love you, Mel. Never forget that."

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