"Good conversation"

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I arrived at the medical wing on the base and entered the private room where Gaz was staying.

From outside his room, you could hear his oxygen machines...which meant he wasn't breathing on his own...which meant....that he was alive but almost dead.

The door opened and Gaz's assigned doctor walked in, he was a tall, white, blond and he was a older man.

"Oh! Hello, you must be Sergeant Gates, right?" The man extended his hand.

"Yes, a pleasure." I took his hand.

"I'm Dr. Ronald. It's a pleasure, will you be starting today?" Ronald asked taking his folder in both hands again.

"Yes, if you authorize me."


"Thank you. I have several questions..." I said as I looked at Gaz.

"Sure, tell me."

"Is he alive or is he dead?"
Ronald gave a slight chuckle- "quick and direct question."

"Hahaha...yes...it's a habit"

"Well, Garrick...he's there. Somewhere but he's still there. He's not legally dead."

"So...he's not brain dead?"

"Exactly. His brain is intact, no blood pooling, no blood leakage, no fractures. He's fine."

"So...why can't he breathe on his own? What was the diagnosis?"

"His diagnosis is cardiac arrest and two gunshot wounds."

"Cardiac arrest?!"

"Yes, quick he came to the OR, he went into cardiac arrest, we lost him for 2 minutes, but we were able to recover him and he went into coma himself...but he wasn't breathing on his own."

"I understand..."

"His recovery from the gunshot wounds will be 1 to 2 months. But-what worries me is that he is in a coma. We can't induce him out of the coma ourselves because he's too weak at the moment.... plus we don't have authorization from his legal guardian...so the only thing we can do is wait for him to wake up on his own or wait for his body to show that he's already stronger and induce him out of the coma." Ronald finished saying and closed his folder.


"Well- here. I have another folder." Ronald handed me the folder he was holding.

He nodded his acceptance and left the room.

I sat down in a chair next to Gaz and started reading his entire medical report. His file just said that everything had always been, broken ribs, saturations, huge cuts from combat, broken bones and diabetes problems.....

DIABETES?! Fucking shit!
This could be a serious situation....Gaz right now is in a coma with no breathing of his own and suffers from diabetes....The slightest 'ups' that exists in history while we take care of him could cost him his life.

I will not let anything happen to him. Never.

| |

Four hours later:
*knock knock knock*.

The door opened and Soap walked in. In his hands he had a plate of food along with a juice. At the sight of the plate my stomach started to become very unruly...I haven't eaten since before the mission so yeah...I'm really, really hungry.

"Hi! How's everything going on?" he asked giving me a huge smile as he sat down next to me.

"All good, Gaz hasn't shown any changes but he's stable so far." I said closing Gaz's chart.

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