"I wanna be yours"

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⚠️[HERE COMES THE PAIN! I am very sorry from now on🥲❤️]⚠️

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When we returned, the guys took Valeria away for interrogation, Price told Farah and I to take some time to relax. Farah and I asked to close the bathroom for us for the day and Price and Laswell agreed.

Turning on the shower I felt so peaceful as the water ran all over my hair and my entire body. I'm not going to lie - I'm so tired. Sometimes I feel like my body can't take missions like this anymore. Even though I've always been on very risky missions exploiting my health...Maybe that's why I feel like this now...my body is asking for a vacation.

"This is life." I heard Farah, she was in the shower next to mine.

"No men and no unnecessary noises and comments. Just peace ."

"Are you going to talk with, Riley?"

Her question reminded me of what Simon said before the mission....his voice...his words. Yes I want to talk to him, I miss him too much and this distance between the two of us is so horrible.

"I will wait for him to come to me. I won't go to him."

"Very well. If he was the one who proposed to talk, then he must come to you. Don't worry, I know everything will be all right."

I hope so, Farah... I hope so.

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We went back to our room and just as we were about to go to bed, there was a knock on the door.

"I'm coming." Farah climbed down from her bed and walked to the door....and there he was again, Simon.

"Can we talk, Mel?" Simon asked.

Farah looked at me- "well- I'll be in the call room, talking to Alex, anything I'll be there. I'll leave you two alone." Farah said goodbye and left the room.

Simon came in and closed the door.

"So..." I said looking at him.

"Mel...first of all...I want to apologize for making you think something that isn't true. I'm sorry you had to feel guilty about Gaz...that was my fault. Yes it's true that you are a distraction to me, and that I proposed working with someone else for the same reason, but I never-I never meant to hurt you."

"But you did."

"Yes- yes I know I did and I apologize."

"Simon-why are you doing this?"

"The what?" Simon was confused.

"Because you make me think that.. you're in love with me...or that you're apologizing because you want to be with me but you don't? To you I'm just another one on your fucking list?!"

"What?! No! You're not just another one and you never will be...don't you remember anything about what happened on our date?"

"Of course I remember!"

"Then why are you doubting? Why?"

"Because you have hurt me and made me doubt so many times with what you say and what you do."

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