"I need your help"

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After hearing what Price had told us, we all began to distrust the other units, especially Shadow Company. They are Shepherd's elites. His damn puppies.

But I was more worried about Simon. He was already leaving to infiltrate Verdansk with two other soldiers and one of them was from Shadow Company.

I know Simon will be fine, you can't kill someone like him that easily. But - I'm worried anyway.

I looked at my watch and it said 12:30am...Simon was leaving at 2am. I went up to his room and literally Gaz along with Soap were watching Simon as he packed his stuff.

"Hi." I said standing in the door frame.

Soap, Gaz and Simon looked at me. I gave a slight smile- "Simon, can we talk?"

Simon dropped his bags and walked over to where I was standing.
He was wearing his full black uniform along with his mask and black bulletproof vest.

We walked all the way out of the building. It was getting a little cold outside....

"Simon...promise me you'll come back." I said with my eyes almost teary.

Simon grabbed my hand- "I promise."

"Listen to Price, don't trust that Roze girl. We don't know what Shepherd's real intentions are in Verdansk. Remember we are all his pawns we can't get killed by him. We still have a long way to go...so please come back safely. I love you very much, Simon."

Simon lifted his mask up to his nose and kissed me. It felt like our kiss went on forever. We were literally inside the base where everyone who was standing guard or just standing outside was watching us as we kissed, but fuck everyone else.

Simon pulled away from me but his hand was still on the back of my neck/almost in my hair- "I love you too, Mel. Wait for me, this will be a quick mission, I promise."

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The next day Simon had already left so it felt very strange to go into the meetings and not have him next to me. I hope he's okay.

They only let Soap and Price from unit 141 into the operation control room. I was denied access because I was not 'needed' as I have the same rank as Soap, I am just second in line, he goes first and of course Price because he is our captain.

We were all paranoid and desperate to know what was going on inside that room. Gaz and Alex ended up leaving for training along with other soldiers, but Farah and I were very restless.

We were in our room but we were very paranoid.

The door opened and Mara walked in , Mara came in and closed the door fast...she was acting weird.

"Mel, Farah I need to talk to you." She said to us.

Farah and I agreed and walked over to her. She sat down on the floor while we did the same.

"I have classified information from Verdansk as well." Mara told us putting a briefcase in the very center of us back three.

The briefcase said very huge "CLASSIFIED INFORMATION: VERDANSK."

Farah and I looked at each other- "is there another mission?" Farah asked her.

"Yes, but this time it's with Warcom. We have information that there is chemical equipment that will be transported inside Verdansk into the hands of the Al-Qatala group. We have to stop it." Mara said opening the briefcase and showing us the pictures

Why she is showing us this....it is supposed to be classified.

"Mara...why are you really showing us all this?" I asked putting the papers down and giving her a smile.

"I need your help. Warcom just lost 2 soldiers. Golem is already in Verdansk and Domino...was sent back our base, reasons unknown. We need you guys, just like old times, Mel."

I stood silently looking at the papers...something tells me I shouldn't go to Verdansk...because there is more than just an invasion there...but...Mara needs me...what should I do?

"We need to ask Price." Farah answered her.

"Shepherd's already talking to him. I don't know what the fuck that bastard has planned but he already had you two in his briefcase. So you were in on his plan. I think he sent Golem and Domino away from Warcom so he could join you both on this mission. There's more to it than just coincidence...but I don't know."

Mara is right.

I looked at Farah and Farah nodded her head in agreement. Well this is critical fucked.

"Well...we'll go to Verdansk."

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