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"I joined the military to keep my life in order, I needed to find myself again, help people, I needed to feel like I made my father proud...have discipline and I don't know..."

Simon looked at me...but never said anything else.

"Ghost? Gates?" We heard Soap call out to us.

"Yes?" Ghost replied as he stood up from the chair.

"Are you two dressed? Because I'll puke if I see you naked Riley."

"Shut up, Johnny." Ghost said in his deep voice accentuating his British English.

Soap stood in front of us, he was laughing-"we have operative."

"Operative?" I asked.

"Yes, Price is waiting for us in the meeting room."

The three of us went already prepared , I had my gear along with my sniper and my black uniform. While Soap and Ghost were wearing their assault rifles gear and black uniforms.

"It was about damn time." Price said.

We stood together with Gaz, Alejandro and his friends.

"Laswell ordered Alejandro along with Los vaqueros to catch Hassan and keep him from crossing the border. The objectives are to Track the cartel and track Hassan. Gates, your objective is to make sure your team doesn't die."

"Yes sir." We all told him.

"I don't want any of you fuckers to fuck anything up. We're out in 3."

| |

I was already in my position, I won't deny that I hate being in a high ground...alone...in the middle of nowhere...dark...so yeah...super.

I was very focused on everything that was going on as I looked at everything through my lens. I was looking for Ghost non-stop, watching him from far away.

I had his back and I know he had mine.
Two hours later the mission almost got screwed up but we were able to fix things quickly and safely.

"The chopper will be waiting for you at 1.5 kilometers. It's too dangerous to land on top of you. We'll wait for you there." We heard Price tell us over the channel.


"Mel, what's your position?" This time Ghost and I's private channel went active.

"Still the same. I'm already walking to the chopper."

"Wait for me."


It didn't take him two minutes to get to where I was.
"And the others?"

"They're already ahead of us. Let's go."

We started walking and walking and walking and walking without stopping. I'm hungry, sleepy, cold and my legs hurt. God, when will we get there?

I kept looking at my gps and we still had a little more to go, I can't stand it anymore I feel like I'm going to faint.

"Come here" Ghost knelt down in front of me turning his back to me while taping himself on his back.

He was going to carry me?!

"Stop-you're going to carry me on piggyback?" I asked with a nervous laugh.

"Yeah. Come on." He said as he gave it another go tap.

"But- I'll be giving you more weight, you're carrying pretty heavy gear, plus your guns..no, I'll be fine."

"Just shut up. Climb up, I'll be fine."

"Alright..." I climbed on Ghost's back, put my arms around his neck and my legs went over his ribs/hips but Ghost had me held below my knees as he had to keep holding his gun in case of emergency.

The whole way we were silent...I didn't know how to set up a conversation and well he was the same as me.

"T-Thank you." That was all I could think to say right now.

"You're welcome."
Omg his voice. His body...his breathing...everything was driving me crazy.

"Tomorrow is our day off...do you want to go into town- with me?" Ghost asked me...his voice was different...was he nervous?

"Is it a date?" I asked him but laughing.


Oh fuck my heart...I hope he can't hear my fucking heart.

"Damn, I thought it was a date." I tried to keep up with my humor.

"It is."


"So...yes or no? "He spoke again....baby give me a minute, I'm trying to calm my heart and my girly friend down there.


"Perfect. Tomorrow at 2pm, how's that?"

"Sounds perfect." I said as I silently screamed in excitement.

Ghost stood up and let go of my legs.
"What happened?" I asked confused as I got off his back.

"We're here." He said to me as he pointed to the helicopter.

And there it was. Yep...the huge helicopter.
I was a little disappointed that we had arrived...I wanted to spend more time with him...alone.

But fuck it! Tomorrow I get to spend more time with him...and ALONE!

I'm so excited!

"Are you coming?" Ghost said pulling me out of my thoughts.

I gave him a smile.... "Sure!"

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