"First mission"

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"Get out! Get out!" Captain Price shouted at us as one by one we got out of the helicopter.

The mission was to enter through a valley into one of the illegal bases that belonged to Hassan, hoping to catch him. We had to be very vigilant and not alert anyone as it was going to put us in a stressful position and we could lose months of research.

We all split up. I started walking slowly almost crouching behind Ghost as we had our weapons ready to attack. His back was something made by the gods, he clearly had his uniform, but his sculpt was a masterpiece.

Damn, I should be thinking about the mission. What the fuck is wrong with me?!

Ghost raised his right hand and clenched his fist, signaling me to stop.

"Four men at 12 o'clock." Ghost said over our channel.


He then began to lay completely flat on the floor, while I did the same. My view was super good, his feet were facing both ways while I was positioned inside that triangle he was making. It looked pretty sexy, I won't deny it.

"Captain, Rebel and I's position is compromised. We can't move forward." Ghost communicated with the others.

"Roger. Stay in position until further orders." Captain Price answered us.

Super. Great I'm going to take a little sun time.

"Don't even think about moving." This time Ghost's private channel to me activated.

I rolled my eyes- "I know what I have to do, Lieutenant, it's not my first mission."

"But it's your first being in the Task Force. I don't need to have to be watching over you like a baby, focus on the mission."

This man is so obnoxious but why is his voice so...oh my god, what is happening to me?!

"Who said I'm not focused on the mission?"

Then his head turned slightly back to look at me- "I know what you're thinking. I can see it in your eyes, your breathing and movement."

My heart stopped and I stopped breathing for a few seconds...it's impossible. No- is he even human?! How the fuck?!

"Wh-what are you talking about?"

His head turned again and he stopped looking at me.
"The mission...yeah?"

"But answer-"

Then we began to hear several detonations including guns firing.

"Soap! Gaz! Fucking bastards! Get back to the meeting point!" we heard price yell over the channel.

"Fucking hell. Captain- orders?" Ghost said.

"MEETING POINT, goddamn it!"

"Roger sir." Ghost and I said at the same time.

We stood up in sync and started running, now Ghost was behind me.

Several shots started landing on our sides- "don't stop! Keep running!" Ghost yelled at me but this time it wasn't through the channel.

"Ok- but what the fuck are you doing?!" I turned around because I stopped hearing his loud boots behind me, as I turned around I saw that he was standing shooting at the enemies who are shooting at us.

He is my partner so I couldn't keep running and started shooting too, knocking down several enemies.

"ARE YOU DEAF?! I SAID KEEP RUNNING!" Ghost yelled at me again.


I didn't hear him again.

Then three enemies came out of nowhere and started attacking us. Hand combat...my specialty...well one of many.

It was epic-we were both on our backs fighting like avengers...it was amazing the team we made.

I was only missing one enemy. I am extremely good and agile in martial arts, so I put it into practice. I climbed on top of the enemy with all the strength in the world, knocked him down and broke his neck with my thighs...when I stood up, not more than 10 seconds passed when a strong pain in my torso started to spread all over my body making me fall down and moan in pain.

"GATES!" Ghost knelt down and started looking for where the shooter was coming from- "SOAP, sniper at 250° south!"

"Roger that!"

"Not your first mission ah?" Ghost said making me open my eyes. The sun was hitting my face...but his face was making me focus on him.....

"Shut up." I said between groans of pain.

"Come on sergeant! On your feet!" Ghost lifted me up and grabbed my waist, my left arm was over his shoulder.

"F-fuck!" I screamed from the pain as Ghost carried us to the meeting point.

"Hang on soldier!" Ghost yelled.

Then we arrived at the meeting point, Ghost sat me on the ground as we waited for the others and the helicopter.

"Let me see" Ghost knelt down in front of me and started taking off my bulletproof vest .

"F-fuck fuck fuckkkk!" I yelled at him as he pulled off my vest.

"I'll lift up your shirt, okay?"

"Just do it." I told him.

Ghost's hands began to lift my shirt up until they reached my neck, exposing my breasts which was held in place by a 'sport bra'.

"Interested in my breasts? Ah?" I tried to laugh with my humor to forget the pain.

Ghost raised his gaze but looked back down at my torso.
"You wish."

I started to laugh a little but stopped quickly because of my pain- "tell me, doc?"

"You have a huge bruise, as soon as we get to base you should get checked out. To see if there's no internal-"

"Bleeding, yes yes I know."

We stood waiting for the others to arrive but ghost never let his guard down, he looked everywhere with his gun in his hands, while I put my vest back on.

"Hey...but seriously...do you like my breasts?" I asked Ghost but quickly as I realized what I had said I covered my mouth.

Ghost looked at me- "yeah."

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