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We have been trying to contact Ghosts unit members for days now, but, they are under the radar...we have not been successful.

I have been working 22hrs straight non-stop...the time I have left over I use it to visit Melina, I sleep in her room, in a chair while holding her hand.

The doctor has told us that there is no improvement...and that unfortunately there is no way to reverse the diagnosis of brain death. Although it is not yet an official and certain diagnosis...we are still very worried.

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"I had contact with Roach." Price said, entering the meeting room.

"Is he okay? I mean-about mara?" Farah asked him.

"He's devastated. He just took a year off work with pension, he'll be taking care of Rodrigo. Mara had actually appointed Melina as Rodrigo's emergency guardian...but, with Melina's actual situation....the court granted Roach temporary custody of Rodrigo." Price explained.

We all fell silent...
"Well- Roach had contact with Thomas Merrick, he is the commanding officer of the Ghosts unit...he will be arriving at the base between tomorrow and next week. To start the mission." Price said.

Farah and the others began to celebrate...we finally had the Ghosts unit on our radar.

"Go and get some rest. We've worked hard." Price ordered us.

We all agreed and stood up. I continued walking to the medical wing of the base. I walked through the halls of the hospital until I reached Melina's room.

As I walked in I saw this tall, elegant woman with straight black hair and glasses crying as she held Melina's hand....

This must be Melina's mother.....

The woman turned and looked at me, quickly got up from the chair and wiped her tears- "yes?"

"Uh- I'm Simon." I told her a little nervously.
What am I supposed to do or say right now?

"Oh, Jennifer! It's nice to be able to see you even though I wish it hadn't been in this situation..." Jennifer came over and gave me a hug....

I stood there not knowing how to act...it was like I was hugging Melina....

I touched my mask- "I hope you don't mind my mask-"

"Oh! No, nothing to worry , John had informed me that you wear a mask. I don't mind." Jennifer said as she took a seat again.

I dragged a chair over and sat down near Melina's bed.

Melina's mom was still crying...not stopping while looking at Melina.

I'm not good at this stuff...what am I supposed to tell her?

"You know...I always knew this moment would come...I prayed to God that nothing would happen to her but...it's a very dangerous job...I'm very heartbroken...symptoms and signs of a brain dead person...how is it possible that we got to this situation? When did this happen?" Jennifer said.

I just kept quiet....
"Melina always liked the adrenaline, she was always full of anger and revenge...she was very rebellious. Ever since her father died...she stopped being the sweet Melina she was...but with you...she went back to being her...Mara told me how good she looked and that she had left revenge behind...that she could tell...and look right now...Mara passed away too! I can't believe it...this-this is too much for me." Jennifer continued.

"I-I'm so sorry, Jennifer." That was all I could say.

"Simon...thank you for being the reason Melina, was going to leave her life as a military person and live her normal life...Thank you for making her smile and happy...thank you for teaching her how true love looks like and making her feel loved. Thank you, Simon."

"She was going to leave her life as a soldier?" I asked a little confused...the words she had said made me want to cry something I haven't done for many years.

"She didn't get to tell you? Well...she requested to retire, this was going to be her last mission. She wanted to enjoy her life and especially with you."

And there, was my last straw...I felt my tears start to roll down my cheeks.

Jennifer stood up and quickly hugged me. I accepted her hug. After a few minutes I calmed down quickly....

"Simon...please...don't blame yourself. Nothing that happened or is going to happen was your fault. Feel happy with the fact that you got to knowing her and gave your best for her...one piece of advice I learned after my husband's death was...that no one on this earth belongs to us...we're only dust and after a long life...we will return to dust...thank you for making her feel alive while she was with us." Jennifer said.

The doors opened and in walked the doctor.
"Jennifer Gates?"

"Yes, it's me." Jennifer stood up and answered.

"Can we talk?"

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{another short chapter, I apologize for that!🥹🫶}

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