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"Sir!" Philips along with his partners stood in salute to Shepherd.

Since he is our commander we all had to do the same. I hate that damn old man. He's a total asshole, he's always given me the creeps.

"I want you all in the meeting room in 3min. Move it." Shepherd said pushing us all past him.

I looked at mara and she rolled her eyes, yes we hate him.

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We were all already in the room waiting for Shepherd to come in and start the meeting. This time Laswell and Price were down of the podium. I was sitting next to Farah and on the other side was Simon. Simon hasn't spoken to me since what happened with Philips. He must be very, very upset.

I turned my head and there was Mara's joint, Mara was sitting right behind my chair. She was bored, she and I are very much alike in almost everything.

The doors opened and we all stood and did the salute towards the commander. The only thing that could be heard in sync were our boots. There were about 100 to 200 soldiers inside the meeting room.

Which was very strange, because they needed so many soldiers for a specific mission. It's not that we are going to war...or are they planning to go to war? Nothing surprises me with SHEPHERD.

Shepherd walked over to the podium and put his papers on it. "Good afternoon, Soldiers, rest."

We all sat back down, paying close attention.

"As you know, Verdansk is officially under attack by the Al-Qatala terrorist group."

"Officially?" Price asked him.

"Exactly, Captain Price. The Al-Qatala group has already taken jurisdiction and territory from Verdansk. Thousands of photos and very graphic videos of people dying at the hands of the terrorists have reached us. Our mission is to stop the Al-Qatala group from continuing to send and receive very important chemicals. They are planning to attack many nations with that chemical." Shepherd said but this time he began to open his papers.

"There are a lot of us and I'll be putting you all together in different groups-the first soldiers I'll send, they'll be the most stealthiest we have...the best. Price give me someone from your unit." Shepherd looked at Price.

This smells bad. Very bad.

"Simon 'Ghost' Riley." Price said.

"Laswell, someone from coalition." Shepherd looked at Laswell.

"Hans 'Golem' Blaustein."

"Okay...from Shadow Company, I choose Rozlin 'Roze' Helms. All three of you come forward." Shepherd ordered.

Simon along with the other two soldiers walked to the front of the podium. Shepherd handed them each one some papers.

"I need the mission to be quiet. No war or noise. You will infiltrate and bring me information on the chemists and the Al-Qatala group. Clear?" Shepherd told them.

"Clear sir." The three answered him .

"The plane leave at 0200 (2am)" Shepherd said.
The three returned to their seats, I looked at the paper Simon was holding and the first page read "CLASSIFIED INFORMATION: VERDANSK."

"In case of emergency, if they don't know how to do their damn jobs right, reinforcement team will be picked and sent by their captains." Shepherd said again.

He's a fucking bastard.

"I need to speak privately with Warcom. The rest of you can go." We all stood, I gave Mara a small smile and said between my lips 'I'll wait for you outside' , she nodded her head in agreement and then I walked out.

On the way out Simon stood next to me- "hey, are you ok?" I asked him.

Simon lifted his mask up to his nose and kissed me, I ran my hands down the back of his neck and kissed him back.
"Get a fucking room." Soap said making us split up.

Farah, Alex, Gaz and Soap were looking at us with smiles- "why did you have to ruin the moment, MacTavish?" I said rolling my eyes.

"I didn't, I make the moment much better." Soap said running his hands around his waist.

"Hey-doesn't it seem a little strange what's going on?" Farah asked.

We all looked at her- "It really does. Why are there so many of us? And all because of some chemicals, don't they care about the people?" Gaz said.

"Riley- what does the paper say." Soap asked Simon.

"Classified information: Verdansk."

"Classified? Something's wrong." Alex said.

" exactly." I said crossing my arms.

"They're going to start a war." Price stuck to us and said.

We all looked at him confused- "act normal." Price told us.

Then we understood, we were being watched. Why?!

"Shepherd, he's up to something bigger than a simple infiltration. Ghost, anything you see you report to me first, don't trust Roze Helms."

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