"Get to know him"

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The 48 hours passed and we prepared Gaz to be flown to United Kingdom for better care. His condition has not progressed and he has remained stable but has not come out of the coma nor has he been breathing on his own. Which Ronald and I are concerned about.

While getting back to the subject of my situation with Simon....has not improved at all either. He hasn't spoken to me and I haven't spoken to him either. I have seen him many times looking at me as if he wanted to talk to me but he does not. I miss him...but I will not let my dignity fall because I am after someone who is not interested in being with me or who don't know what he wants.

I was in the meeting room listening to Laswell and Price explain to us what the operation to capture Valeria will be like. But I really wasn't paying much attention...I feel strange...like something very very bad will happen to me at some point...I would like to say it's all in my head and maybe that's it...but it's very weird.

"Excuse me...sorry to interrupt, Captain Price." Dr. Ronald entered the room.

"Oh! Captain Ronald, how can I help you?" Price stopped talking about the operation and turned his attention to Ronald.

"Before the plane arrives to take Sgt. Garrick away, as a precaution I need to administer some blood and get some extra blood to him in case of an emergency in the air. Is anyone of you blood type B negative, and willing to donate?" Ronald asked.

No one spoke or raised their hand meaning that no one was B negative....

"Me. I am B negative." I raised my hand.

"Any medical conditions?"


"Did you have breakfast?" Ronald asked me.

"Just a cup of coffee." I said as I stood up. Everyone is looking at me, including Ghost.

"Gates...I don't think that's a good idea. You can have a blackout from not having a strong food in your system plus losing liters of blood." Ronald told me worriedly.

I must do it for Gaz...it's my fault he's there.

"Let's do it. He needs it more than I do. I'll be fine." I walked over to Ronald.

"Someone who can babysit Gates, so she doesn't die." Ronald said as he laughed.

Instantly many, many men stood up, including Ghost, Soap and Alejandro.

"Wow...you have a long list of boys, Melina." Laswell said as she laughed at the soldiers who stood up.

I looked at everyone as I laughed...but my eyes fell on Simon.....I wanted to pick him.

"Alejandro, can you?" I called out to him with a smile.

"Sure, sergeant." Alejandro stepped out of his line and walked to my side. I could see Ghost's annoyed face, but he's the one who won't talk to me and now he wants to babysit me? He'll have to do more than that.

We left the meeting room and walked to the medical wing.

"You can sit over here." Ronald said to me as we walked into a room with lots of reclining furniture.

I sat down as Alejandro took a seat across from me. I pulled up my sleeve-"have you donated before?" Ronald asked me as I readied my arm.


I was nervous...I never mentioned to y'all that I'm terrified of needles? No? Well...well yes...and yes I studied medicine but...just to know that I will be literally stabbed on the arm with a needle...it causes me stress, nervousness and a lot of anxiety.

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