"Are you ready?"

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I spent the whole trip on the plane annoyed and sleeping, like first he wake me up and tells me that he hates me, starts touching me and then when I'm about to come...he leaves?! What the fuck?!

"Hey...we're almost there." I felt a warm hand run down my lower back and lift me up. When I opened my eyes it was Soap. I had fallen asleep on his neck...literally. I don't know how I got there but I'm there.

I quickly peeled myself off of him and felt a little embarrassed. "I'm so sorry." I said to him as I re-did my ponytail.

"Haha..for a little woman...you're heavy." Soap said with a chuckle.

I gave him a shy smile- I started to look around and saw Ghost looking at me with his arms crossed and his legs spread wide. He looked pretty good for a fucking bastard.

The plane landed and we began to grab our belongings along with our weapons. The hatch of the plane opened and the first one to go out was Soap.

There were some men waiting for us along with some black SUV's .

"Alejandro" Soap said taking the handsome man's hand.

"Sergeant MacTavish" the man replied.

"Call me soap."

"Lieutenant...Laswell said they call you Ghost." Alejandro turned to Ghost who was standing next to Soap while Gaz and I were behind them.

"Actually, I believe he prefers to be-"

"That'll do." Ghost said to Soap.

Gaz and I couldn't hold it in and laughed lightly.
"Miss..." Alejandro looked at me with a seductive look and shook his hand.

"Sergeant Gates. You can call me Melina." I said with a smile as I shook my hand as well. Alejandro took it and kissed it.

"Oh-" I said looking at my teammates a little confused but honored. Who is this man?

"It's a pleasure. And-" Alejandro said throwing me a wink and then looking at Gaz.

"Gaz Garrick." Gaz shook his hand.

"Welcome to the city of souls." Alejandro said to us as he started walking towards the SUV's .

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While we were in the SUV, Alejandro along with the others started talking about the mission, I was listening to them but I was paying more attention to what I was seeing through the suv window. Everything was different and several beautiful areas, I saw children playing in the streets and people watching us.

"Melina Gates? Is that really what your name was?" Alejandro called out taking my attention along with everyone else's.


"Is this your first mission?"

"Negative. But my first in Task Force 141."

"Where have you been?"

"Afghanistan, Kuwait, Iraq, Germany, Russia, Poland, and Kazakhstan."

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