"My ex"

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When I got back to the base, I took a bath and quickly lay down on my bed. I was very tired and my whole body was sore.

I kept repeating everything that happened today over and over again...everything made me felt butterflies in my stomach. I couldn't find my sleep by my own thoughts... but I was tired asf.

I stared at the ceiling as I felt everything become  blurry ..I had finally fallen asleep.


"Melina, Mara- protect the contractors at all costs !"

"Copy sir!" Mara and I replied.

We were in the desert in Kuwait protecting some damn American contractors very important to the US government, our enemies...the Al-Qatala terrorist group.

They started shooting at our armored wagons, there were three wagons and we were in the middle one along with the contractors.

"Are we going to die?!" One of them asked us , they were scared.

"Maybe or maybe not if you put on your bulletproof vest." I grabbed the vest off the floor of the wagon and threw it at him. While Mara laughed while she was reloading her gun.

I reloaded mine as well.

"WE GOT SHOT" we heard one of our buddies yell over our channel.

Mara and I looked at each other...we knew what was about to go down- "well...there are worse ways to die, aren't there?" Mara said to me before getting out of the wagon and shoot straight to the enemies.

(End of flashback/dream)

*knock knock*

I opened my eyes and sat up fast in my bed, I was all sweaty, as I looked all around me I saw the clock and it was 3am.

I got up and opened the door- "yeah?"
Gaz was standing in front of my door- "meeting in 5minutes."

"What?! At this time?!"

"Yes, Laswell is here."

Damn it. 3am in the goddamn morning and I literally haven't been able to sleep at all!
I agreed with my head, closed the door and started looking for my uniform to take a very quick bath.

| |

We were all sitting facing forward where the podium and a tech board was. Gaz and I were the first of Task Force to enter the room, the chairs were all assigned. Task Force was in the front row while 'Los Vaqueros' were in the second row and the others behind them.

"Good morning." I heard Simon's husky, deep voice.
I turned to the right side as I looked up and there he was, he was holding a mug in his left hand. I gave him a smile- "Good morning, Lieutenant." I said but in a playful/freaky voice.

Simon sat up and looked at me as he gave a small smirk under his mask- "Do you want tea? I can get you some." He asked me as he lifted his cup a little.

"Aww, thanks a lot but I don't really like tea, plus Gaz offered to get me coffee since he was going to get it for him too."

"Mmm...ok. Noted." In Simon's voice I could hear a hint of annoyance along with disinterest. Simon turned away, lifted his mask to his nose and continued sipping his tea.

Is he jealous?

"Are you jelly?" I asked him as I crossed my legs and laughed.

"Jelly? What does that mean? Jello?" he asked without looking at me.

I started laughing even harder...how innocent.
"No! It's a abbreviation for the word 'jealous'...soo...are you?"


It made me a little uncomfortable the voice and his attitude so I decided not to bother him and just let him be.....
Simon still didn't want to look at me so I turned around and looked straight ahead again, "okay." I said in an uncomfortable tone and yes I was a little annoyed by him.

Simon turned his head and started looking at me- "Mel-"

"Here's your coffee, sorry I'm late, this fucking bastard cut in line to me." Gaz arrived along with Soap and handed me my cup of coffee.

"Ah! Thank you!" I said taking the cup in my hands.

"Good morning, Coupley birds!" Soap said as he made the Korean heart with his hands as he sat down on the other side of Simon.

"Fuck off, Johnny." Simon said to him rolling his eyes.

Gaz and I couldn't stop laughing- "hey Gaz, do you want to be my girlfriend? So we can complete our matchmaking team then?" Soap continued teasing Simon.

"I'll pass." Gaz said raising his hand.

"What about you Alejandro? What do you think?" Soap turned around and looked towards the back row.

Everyone but Simon did the same and there stood Alejandro along with his mates I didn't even realized they had arrived already.

"Deal but you will be the woman in the relationship." Alejandro started laughing.

"Deal, mate."

"Ladies! Pay attention!" everyone in the room fell silent as we turned around and paid attention to Captain Price who was at the podium now.

Mrs. Laswell was standing next to him smiling at us.

Price gave her a look and let her pass to the podium- "Good morning, soldiers. Sorry for the early morning meeting. But I'm afraid we couldn't wait any longer."

Mrs. Laswell began to explain many things about the big turn the mission had taken, now we were not only trying to stop Hassan, but we also had to deal with the Mexico cartel and the Al-Qatala group.

I didn't pay much attention, as it all seemed a bit routine and boring. So I concentrated on my coffee.

"No puede ser! (No way!) " Alejandro exclaimed making Laswell stop talking.

We all looked at him- "Vargas? Do you know her?" Price asked him.

"Yes sir."

"Can you explain?" Laswell this time asked him as well.

"That's my ex-girlfriend, Valeria Garza."

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