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I was packing up all my uniforms and the equipment I will have for the operation in Mexico. According to Price, we will have the help of someone called Alejandro Vargas.

As I finished all my packing I laid back on my bed. My bulletproof vest was next to my bed along with my boots. I was almost asleep when I heard a knock on the door.


"Can I come in?" it was Simon.

"Yeah" I sat up in bed waiting for him to come in.
Simon as he came in closed the door behind him.

He was still in his uniform just like everyone else, but he wasn't wearing his vest. He was on his gray jacket tied all the way up and of course his mask.

"So?" I asked.

"I hate you." His voice deep but marked by his British accent said.

Did he really come all the way down here, waking me up from my nap to tell me that? Like boy go and make the line...because you're not the first or the last person to hate me.

"Okay? And?"

"I don't want you as my partner."

"Okay, what the hell is your problem? I've done absolutely nothing to you. If you can't accept that you were paired with me because I'm a woman then Fuck you along with your sexism because I'm not going anywhere." I started to raise my voice at him as I stood in front of him.

I was without my boots so I literally reached up to the start of his abdomen, I was ridiculously short without my boots. Our height difference is pretty hot, he had to lower his head to see my face while I had to raise it. His aura and body movement told me he was looking to be the alpha.

I am well known for making men cry, I don't put up with their 'I'm the man' bullshit or predatory orders. I give myself respect and never let myself be dominated by any man...but...Simon fucking Riley makes me act the complete opposite.

"Lower your fucking voice when you're talking to me."

"Or what?" I asked challenging him and crossing my arms.

I want to see what you'll do? Are you really as domineering as you seem and show? Or do you like to be dominated in secret?

Simon grabbed me by the neck without any warning, his grip was so strong that it was almost hard to breathe. He dragged me towards the bed and throw me down. As he positioned himself with one knee supporting himself on the bed as he grabbed me tightly by my neck.

Both of my hands began to hold his hand screaming for him to let go. I was short of breath but I liked it.

"-ah?! You like it?! The most unattractive thing you have is your desire to want to dominate all men! You are and always will be weak, stupid, a brat and a disgusting whore to me."

Denigrating me...I mean...this is wrong and he should respect me more but...wow...I like hearing all that from his mouth.

"Ahh~" I moaned lightly as I rolled my eyes.

His grip on my neck lowered making me breathe easy but now his hand started to move down to my breasts, he grabbed and squeezed them as if his world depended on them...he stuck towards my ear and started breathing heavily as he let out a few small moans....

I love to hear men moan. I live for it.

Then I reached up with my left hand and started squeezing and massaging his cock over his pants. From just feeling it with my hands...I knew it was big.

"Show me how weak I am." I said softly in his ear.

"You won't last a minute."

"Then put me in a test."

He hurriedly lifted up my shirt and pulled off my sport bra, leaving my entire chest bare, he lifted his mask up to above the tip of his nose where I could see his big scar but fuck it all- from just showing me that piece of his face...wow. He was beautiful.

He started licking and sucking my breasts along with bites on my nipples. I was all wrapped up and couldn't stop moaning.

His hand went down to my pants and started taking them off with just one hand. He removed my panties too.

"Suck them." He ordered me as he held up his index finger and middle finger. This is my moment, I opened my mouth and sucked on his fingers using my tongue very well but my eyes never left his.

Then he slapped me hard - "you fucking bitch. Do you want me to use them? Ah?" He said as he massaged his fingers all over my clitoris.

"Yes~ f-fuck...shove them in." I told him as I moaned and tried to close my legs from what I felt.

But he wouldn't let me- "stop ordering me around. Because I don't take orders from you... but you do from me." He came back and said but never stopped playing with my clitoris.

"Sorry- Sorry...fu- fuck please just do it..."

Then he stuck his fingers in making me roll my eyes all the way back. If I like this and it's just his fingers I don't want to imagine his cock inside me.

I started to moan as he never treats me gently, he was putting his fingers in and out fast until one inside me he started to play with my G-spot.

"I- I'm going to come...oh my god-"

"Will you be good, for me? And will you do everything I tell you to do, without questioning me?" Ghost said without stopping to pleasure me.

"Yes- yes- Simon.." I said almost about to come.

"Good girl, so you learned your lesson." Simon stopped pleasuring me and wiped his fingers on my shirt.

"Wait- where are you going? "I asked crossing my legs and looking at him...I was speechless.

"See you at 0300 (3:00am) , sergeant." Simon opened the door and left.

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