"Who run the world...?"

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Farah and I got ready and ran to the helicopter. Everyone was waiting for us. As we sat down, I was facing Ghost. He was talking to Laswell while staring at me. I never took my eyes off him either. If he thinks he can intimidate me with his stare he is very...very wrong.

I'm not afraid of anyone...well...just Price. Don't judge me, he basically raised me and scolded me many, many times but always with his captain tone, it was scary and still is.

We all have private channels with each other, clearly my channel with Ghost was still existing, then I heard him calling me on the channel.

I accepted the requested of his channel-"what?"

"When we get back, can we talk?" Simon's voice was deep but he was speaking low so that Soap who was next to him wouldn't hear his conversation...although he wasn't going to hear him that easily either over the noise of the helicopter.

"Okay." I want to talk to him and I want to know what he will tell me. I hope he'll get down on his knees and even beg for my forgiveness. Nothing more.

"Thank you, please...come back safe- sergeant."

"Same to you- lieutenant." Then I disconnected my channel with him.

I felt Farah looking at me so I connected my channel to her again- "why are you looking at me like that?"

"..'Same to you, lieutenant'...for real, Gates?" Farah said to me as she laughed.

"You were reading my lips?!"

"Sure, I wanted to know."

"Although I also wanted to know what Riley was saying, but he has a mask so tell me." Farah sure is curious, she wins me over.

"He wants to talk to me when we get back from the mission."

"FINALLY! Or not?"

"Yes, finally."

"We're here." The pilot announced to all of us over the general channel.

We all stood up and got in position.
Price opened the hatch and pulled the rope we were all going down in.

"Ladies first...Remember your positions." Price told us.

We nodded our heads in agreement, I walked to the edge and before I jumped down, I looked at Simon. His eyes told me 'be careful.'

As I lowered myself to the ground I waited for Farah as I knelt with my gun ready to shoot at any moment. Farah tapped my shoulder as a signal that I could begin to proceed.

We ran into the trees, we had to position ourselves at a high point to protect Simon and Soap who were going to be inside the hot zone with Rodolfo and Alejandro.

Farah had the sniper gear while I had to watch her back.

When we got to a high point, Farah laid down and started to prepare her gear. While I lay down next to her but watching our backs.

"We're in position, guys." Farah announced.

"Alejandro and Rodolfo?" Price asked.

"We're ready."

"Soap and Ghost?"

"Ready." Ghost's voice called out.

1 hour passed and still no negative action had happened, this was fantastic, everything was going to go perfectly.

"Uh- I've got a car...it's pretty suspicious." Farah said making me look at her sideways...I think I spoke too soon about the mission going in perfection...me and my damn mouth.

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