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{FANART credits to the respective owner, I found it on Pinterest 🫶}

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After two days we got the call from Price informing us that we had to report back to base. We were back in action. I had never seen Simon pack as fast like that moment, he was excited to be back.

We arrived at the base the next day and started getting our rooms ready. Farah had returned along with Alex. Alex had been called by Price as well. They looked very happy and were wearing their wedding rings. They had gotten married privately without a party or many people, it was simple and very private.

The ring that Simon had given me at the beginning of our official relationship I did have to put on my dogsplates, so that it wouldn't get damaged or lost. I didn't really like wearing the dogsplates around my neck, I always kept them in my bulletproof vest pocket but now that it was holding my ring I had to put the necklace on.

We were sitting in the meeting room next to Farah and Alex when the doors opened....

"I'm back bastards! I know you missed me." Soap walked in with more energy than ever. He greeted us all and deep down in Simon's soul he was happy to see him again, you could see it in his eyes. His friendship with Soap is great.

"Damn, Ghost. You're looking more old every day." Soap said to Simon laughing as he tapped him on the shoulder. Simon was wearing his mask...but he let out a laugh.

Alex and we all started laughing at the stupid things Soap was saying-"fuck off, mate." Simon said to him.

Then the doors opened again this time Laswell, Price and GAZ walked in.

Soap, Ghost and I stood up as we saw Gaz walk through the doors. He gave us a big smile and opened his arms to hug Soap who was heading straight to him.

"YOU'RE BACK?!" Soap asked giving Gaz a hug.

"Yeah, I'm all right now. Ready to get back in action." Gaz said giving us all big smiles.

"I'm so happy you're doing well, son." Price said patting Gaz on the back.

Gaz and Simon shook hands because Simon is too shy to give people hugs or affection but Gaz understands.

"Melina...thank you for saving my life, you were basically always there with me. I listened to everything you were saying to me while I was in the coma, you entertained me a lot, so thank you." Gaz opened his arms and hugged me.

I accepted his hug and felt my tears want to start falling from my eyes. I looked at Simon and although he was jealous because another man was hugging me but he understood and allowed it because it was Gaz at an important time.

We all sat down and looked over to where Laswell and Price were.

"So Captain, what happened? Who needs to be stopped this time?" Soap asked.

"Something very big is about to happen in the city of Verdansk." Price began to speak as the screen showed us the city by satellite.

"The Al-Qatala group, they're planning to take jurisdiction in Verdansk."

"Where that's where we come in, we can't allow this because it will affect us the entire American nation and British countries among more."

"Okay...this isn't related to Valeria Garza or Hassan?" I asked.

"Here's the thing, they pulled us off that mission but-" Price looked at Laswell so she could finish telling us.

"But...Shepard will join his Shadow Company puppets with us to figure out what's going on with Verdansk." Laswell finished saying.

"Not only will Shadow Company be working with us, but General Williams, will join Warcom's half of the Coalition unit with all of us." Price said showing the picture of the Coalition unit.

And there it was...Mara.

"Shadow company, will be arriving tomorrow along with Alejandro and the Cowboys." Laswell reported.

"Alejandro?" Farah asked.

"Yes, Alejandro and the Vaqueros are in charge of Valeria Garza. They were fighting with Shepard to take her custody away from the Shadow Company and General William gave it to him. There was a lot going on while you all were on vacation, I hope you enjoyed it because I don't think you won't have another one for a long time." Laswell said as she laughed.

I'm not complaining...my vacation were the best.

"Half of the Coalition unit will be arriving today." Price said.

"So...that would be all so far. Girls make room in your room because they will be bringing another bed for Mara." Price told us.

Farah and I agreed as we all stood up from our chairs and walked to the exit.

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We were all hungry by now so we walked to the base mess hall. I walked next to Farah while the guys walked behind us.

"Melina?!" I heard Mara's voice call out to me.

I stopped and turned my head to the left, Farah and the others stood waiting for me.

"Mara?!" I said opening my eyes wide.

Mara was with her unit and ran out to where I was. We hugged and I felt my life recharged all the energy.


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{I know what happened in Verdansk is not in the same timeline as what happened in the mw2 campaign but I will be linking it with this story even if it doesn't make sense because of what has already been done in the campaigns. I hope y'all understand and like it! ❤️🫶}

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