"One down"

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We started running after Mara while trying to hide. The mission was a trap, the entire Warcom team was eliminated except for Mara. The one who is in the most danger right now is her. They will try to kill her for having so much information against Shepherd.

We found a perfect place to hide and wait for my team so we could go home.

I sat next to Farah, while Mara sat across from us...her look was one of shock. She was in shock.

Farah grunted from the pain as she held her stomach- "are you in pain? Let me see." I said as I moved closer to her.

Farah raised her arms as I began to remove her vest gently....this reminded me of Simon with me on our first mission.

Farah lifted up her shirt and there was a huge bruise on her stomach. Which by the hour was going to get worse if it's not treated in time.

Mara came over and passed two bands...her first aid kit. Farah and I lost ours, in the explosion...our bags were left at the scene. DAMN IT.

"Thank you." I said taking a band.
Mara accepted with a smile.

I started putting the band around Farah's stomach to put pressure on it. We need her to hold on a little longer...I need her to hold on a little longer.

Farah was screaming in pain as I squeezed the band over her internal wound...each time she screamed I felt worse for her.

I finished and put Farah's vest back on.
"It's your turn. We need to bandage that wound as soon as possible, Mel." Mara pointed to my head.

I touched the part above my forehead and there was blood on it...I hadn't even realized I had a head wound...the adrenaline in the moment was too much.

I gently removed my helmet...as I took it off, streams of blood began to run down my face...my helmet was holding the blood and as I took it off, it released the pressure.

Mara quickly began to bandage my head while putting a lot of pressure on it to stop the bleeding a little bit . We are screwed.

"Laswell, this is Mara, can you hear me?" Mara said activating the Task Force, Warcom and base channel.

We waited a few minutes- "this is Laswell, how are you?!"

"We're not good. We need to get out as soon as possible." Mara said as she spoke...I could tell her eyes were watery...she wanted to cry.

"What's the situation?" Price spoke this time.

"Farah has an internal wound in her stomach, Melina has an open head wound and I- I think I have a wound in my- in my lower back. If we don't get treated as soon as possible...I don't think we'll last until the next day." Mara said.

"Coordinates?" Soap spoke up.

"I'll be sending them right now." Mara looked at her personal gps and sent the coordinates to Soap.

"Copy that, hang on girls, we're on our way." Soap told us.

Hearing him say that, we felt much better. They are on their way to help us.

"Help is on the way, hang on girls." Laswell said.

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Two hours later Soap and the guys still hadn't made it. We were very worried...we could hear all the shots and explosions from the whole city of Verdansk. We heard helicopters and planes coming down, from our own army and from the Allies....

It was all chaos and we couldn't do anything, just wait.

"Soap here, there's a problem." Soap activated the channel again.

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