"Lets play a game..."

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The meeting ended at about 4:50am. We were given until 10:00am to continue our sleeping time and then prepare for our mission, In search of Valeria Garza.

When I got to my room I quickly let my hair down and started to take off my uniform so I only had my black shirt, underwear and socks on but someone knocked on my door.

I opened the door and there was Simon.
"May I come in?"

I agreed stepping aside so he could enter. Closing the door I continued to take off my uniform.

But I never looked at him. I mean I was mad with him, I don't understand why he has to always treat me indifferent, for no reason.

Simon sat on the edge of my bed as he looked at me.... "Mel..."

"Mmm?" I replied without looking at him.

"Are you mad at me?" Simon's voice got softer this time....

"Why would I be? You know by any chance why?"

Simon was silent for a few seconds- "sorry."

Look at Simon- "For?"

"For making you feel bad...I didn't mean to...I was an idiot...I know. I'm- I'm not good at these things, but I hope you forgive me." Simon was looking down at the floor as he said all that.

I sat on his lap and lifted his head to look at me. His hands were holding me by my hips.

"I forgive you, silly." I gave him a kiss on his nose which was covered by his mask.

Simon looked away and sighed.
"What's wrong?" I asked him confused.

"You shouldn't just forgive me just like that. Because I simply asked for your forgiveness doesn't mean I should be forgiven."

"Simon- I want to forgive you. Besides you can't judge me, it's my decision."

"But- forget it." He was annoyed.

I stood up from his lap and lay down...I closed my eyes- "I'm going to sleep, if you want you can lie down too or you can go away with your moody ass."

I know Simon was looking at me silently and there's a high possibility that he wants to kill me for how I spoke to him. I felt the pressure of Simon sitting on the bed go away, and I heard his boots which made me think he was going to leave the room but no....

This time the pressure of the matress sinking in happened but on the left side of the bed. I heard Simon taking off his boots along with his uniform.

Simon lay down and pressed himself against me. Putting his forehead on my back and his arm on top of my hip, he pressed me to him.

"Mmm..you know how to cuddle?" I asked him as I laughed a little.

"Unfortunately yes."

We stayed like that for quite a while until I was literally falling asleep- "yeah I was jelly."

I opened my eyes and turned to look at him- "hahaha I knew it!"

"Shhh- go to sleep." Simon nudged me to turn over as he gave a couple of chuckles.

I rolled over and closed my eyes again...this time we both fell asleep.

| |

"Gates, Ghost- you both are in yours positions" Price asked us over the channel.

Finally, I was authorized to go back into the action completely. Ghost and I were in a building near the extraction point of the Cartel while the others were also near us hiding just like Ghost and me. 

Hours and hours passed and nothing was happening. I looked at my watch and it read 11:40pm.

Ghost was sitting near the window with binoculars and his gun. While I was sitting near the door watching our backs.

"I'm dying for some pasta or tacos or something." I said.

"That's what you get for not eating before we leave." Ghost replied without looking at me.

I opened my mouth like I was offended- "wow aren't you going to comfort me because I'm hungry?! Some world we living."

"Pfff- come on...you know it's the truth."

"You better not even talk right now " I said as I rolled my eyes.

4 minutes later.

"I can't take it anymore...I'm starving and bored." I walked over to Ghost and knelt down next to him and put my head on his thigh.

Ghost without taking his eyes off the binoculars, with his free hand began to play with my hair.

"Ghost, Gates, do you copy?" Price called out to us.

"Yes sir."

"We'll have to stay on guard. Stay inside and wait for my orders to move."

Great. We'll have to stay here.

"Roger Captain ."

Ghost lowered his binoculars and looked at me- "You'll starve to death, hahahahahah."

Was he making fun of my situation?! Oohhh I'm going to kill him.

"You want to die?!"

"Nah...you want to hear my jokes?" Ghost said.

I already knew several of his jokes from Soap and believe me jokes are not simon's forte . His jokes are jokes that Price or a dad would make. Embarrassing.

"Nah, I'm good."

"Mmm...wanna play something?" simon asked again but this time...his voice switched to a more playful one....

What's he up to? I don't know what it is but...I'm interested.

"Mmm...what game?" I asked as I looked up to him. Simon grabbed my hair and pressed his covered mouth to my ear.

"Let's play...a game called..simon says."

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