"Beautiful colors"

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Since unfortunately this trip to Mexico was not a vacation trip, all my clothes were uniforms. I didn't have anything civilian inside my bags.

I had to experiment and along with a pair of dark green cargo pants, my black boots and a black tank top I was able to create a semi-civilian outfit.

I did a French braid and I put some perfume.
I looked at my watch and it was already 2 o'clock. So I left my room and walked outside.

Ghost was leaning on a black suv with his arms crossed...he was waiting for me.

He was wearing black cargo pants, his boots and a clingy black tactical shirt that did glories to his abs and muscles on his arms and obviously he had his mask on.

"Hi!" I stood in front of him with a big smile.



I went to open the door on the passenger side of the suv but Simon's hand opened the door.

"Get in." He said to me...

Wow. Okay...this is getting interesting. So he does have manners and is a gentleman.

"Thank you!"

Simon closed the door and walked around to the other side to get on.

We left the base and I began to look outside through the window. I was excited, I had never really had the opportunity or experience to go off base to explore during missions. It was always because I had to go out on some operative or things like that.

"Are you hungry? Alejandro told me there is a very good restaurant in town."

"Oh, yeah, I'm starving."

"Great, because so am I. Hahahahahah." I was shocked for a few seconds...my ears didn't believe what they were hearing. Simon Riley can laugh?! And how sexy and cute he sounds!

When we arrived at the restaurant we were seated at a table on a balcony...everything was beautiful, we were surrounded by beautiful flowers and plants that gave a warm embrace to the decor.

Simon and I ordered, when the food arrived, we couldn't stop teasing each other about the huge difference in food portions.

For Simon, I was going to starve to death and then not be able to lift a glock. While for me, Simon was going to lose his shape if he kept eating like that.

As I took my first bite of the burritos I ordered, my eyes closed as I made a small groan- "this- this is DELICIOUS! Omg!" I said.

"Yeah?! This is really good too!" Simon had ordered some nachos along with some tacos. Of course he had pulled his mask up to the tip of his nose so he could eat.

"Can I try some?!" I asked.

"Sure" Simon moved his taco towards my mouth, I bite it gently- "wow! Yes! This is really good!"

"I told you! Oh- come here" Simon said as he motioned with his hand for me to stick to him.

I stuck to him and Simon with his thumb wiped my mouth "you had sauce all over your mouth".

"Thank you!"
My heart wouldn't stop beating like crazy.

We finished eating and sat there for a few minutes looking up at the sky. We were very full. The food was amazing.

Then I heard Simon's chair move, I looked up and saw he was getting up.

"I'll go pay. Wait for me here." He said as he pulled out of his right pocket his wallet.

"No! Stop-let me give you my money." I started reaching for my small pocket wallet.

"No. My treat."

"I know but-"

"Shhh. I invited and I want to please you." Simon Riley's voice was making me feel unholy things....

"o- okay."

Simon nodded and walked over to where the waitress was standing.

I was watching him from afar...this man was a creation spit out by the Greek gods of freaking Olympus themselves. His height, his voice, his tattoos, his vein-lined arms and his fucking hips made me not feel my heart pounding but my pussy pounding too.

I think I'm wet. I kept looking at his waist...it was like watching Shakira!

The waitress kept giving him seductive glances while she was biting her lips and looking him up and down, fucking him with just her eyes, fucking slut. Then I saw the waitress pass him a small piece of paper.

Simon took it and kept walking towards where I was- "Let's go."

We were walking towards to the suv and I kept thinking about the paper the waitress had given Simon....

"You know Spanish...what does it say here?" Simon asked me as he handed me the same paper the waitress had given him.

I took the paper and opened it- "...estas ricote, salgo de mi turno a las 10pm, me gustaría pasar una noche contigo, papi." I was reading it...what a fucking bitch.

"What does it say?" Simon asked me again since I had told him what it said in Spanish.

"It says...you're so sexy, I get off of my shift at 10pm, I'd like to have a night with you, daddy."

"You should go with her" I said as I handed him the paper. I was furious.

Simon pulled a lighter out of his pocket and lit the paper on fire.... "No thanks...I'm looking out for someone else."

Someone else?!

"Ahhh yes? Who's the unlucky one?" I said as I tried to hide my possible jealousy.

"She's a fucking spoiled brat with a princess complex."

"Ohhh! I'm like that too! I like her then!"

Fuck that girl.

"Are you serious?" He said stopping in his tracks.

"What? Don't look at me like that!" I said opening the door.

"Nothing - forget it."

Simon turned on the suv and began to drive.
We were silent while listening to music....

I can't stop thinking about the girl Simon was talking about...I can't deny I'm jealous...I like Simon...and I may sound a little selfish but I want him all to myself...yes I know I'm wrong but...gosh!

Simon parked and now we were on a beach.....
"Do you like to watch the sunset?" Simon asked me turning off the suv.

I looked at him and smiled- "yes...do you?"

"Yes. It's one of my favorite moments...the soft colors that appear before nightfall fill me with peace and calm for a few minutes."

This man...wow. He is so addictive.
Who would think that one of the most dangerous soldiers in all of the US armed forces who no one knows his true face and tortures enemies in very inhumane ways...can look, express himself in this way and like soft things...!!!!

He's quite a softie. I can confirm.

I looked ahead and already the beautiful sky was full with orange...pink...blue and violet colors...it was all art.

"That looks so beautiful, don't you think!" I said smiling at him .

"Yes..but actually for me...you look better, Mel."

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