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"I love you, Ghost"

Simon stared at me for a long moment without saying a word.

"Simon?" I asked him...my heart was still pounding. I feel like he won't tell me...because of everything we've been through. I feel like he's afraid to say it now.

"I- me too." Simon replied but then kept walking away from me.

How can I make amends for everything I said that day?

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Today was Sunday...our only day off all week that we could call our loved ones. Already in the room were Soap, Farah, Simon, Laswell, Price and myself.

Price was actually present supervising us, such are the rules even though we are very loyal.

"Do you want to go first?" Farah asked me.

"No, you can go. I'm in no hurry." I told her with a smile.

Ghost was out of line sitting in a chair, even if he didn't want to call anyone, he had to be present along with his squad.  Rules.

Soap was on the phone talking, and he had less than a minute left.

Then the time clock chimed. Soap hang up and sat down next to Ghost.

Farah walked to the phone and started calling.

Minutes passed but Farah didn't look too happy- "Alex- no! But listen to me."

We were all silent listening to her- "I still can't go back, I know- I know we agreed to go on vacation but- I can't leave yet."

Then Farah put the phone where it was going again, she turned around and her eyes were watery.

"Farah, are you okay?" I asked approaching her.

"Yeah-we'll talk later." Farah walked out of the room.

I walked to the phone and started calling my mother. It didn't even take 3 seconds of ringing and my mom had already answered.

"Melina? Sweetheart, is that you?"

I gave a slight smile- "hi mom."

"How are you, sweetie? I miss you so much."

"I'm fine and you? I miss you too like you wouldn't believe."

"I'm just fine. Power, she's been behaving very well, in her classes at military school she's doing very well. They say she can be a service dog, when she gets older."

"Yeah? That's good. Did you pay off the house?"

"Yes, John sent me the money."
Just as I thought. Price always beats me.

"Ah well."

"When are you coming back?" my mother asked.

She doesn't know I'm on a very dangerous mission, neither that I'm in Mexico. She can't know. For the safety of her and the others.

"I don't know, Mom . Soon."

"Be very careful, Melina...please."

My mom's voice was almost cracking ....
"Yes mom. Always."

"Price told me...about a Simon Riley. Mmm?" This time now it was about her wanting to know about Simon.

I started laughing- "Mom, I can't talk about that right now-he's literally in the room." I said but quietly trying not to let anyone or Simon hear.

"Okay! When you come back, you tell me all about it and I want to know!"

"Okay, Mom." I said laughing.

I looked at the clock and my minutes were almost up- "mom I'm already running out of time, I love you, we'll talk later."

"Sure, I love you too, darling."

I hung up the phone and turned away.
"Soap, you can use my minutes. Gaz is not here." Simon said to Soap.

I thought that was pretty weird. We all have someone waiting at home...why isn't Simon calling?

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We left the room and I started to follow Ghost. Ghost walked into the operating room and stood in front of the board.

"Why are you following me?" He said making me jump a little.

"Why didn't you call?" I asked as I crossed my arms.

"Because I have no one to call."
Oh....now I regret asking.

"Is that why you always give your minutes to Soap or Gaz?" I asked.


"And your family?" I know I shouldn't ask so much but I'm curious and I want to know.

"They're-they're all dead."

Ghost wasn't looking at me but I was looking at him...hearing what he had said my heart stopped. When my dad died I felt like my whole world had become an arctic...everything was cold and lonely...but I still had mom and Price...I can't imagine how Simon feels.

"Are you done with your questions?" This time he said in a more serious voice.

"I'm sorry, Simon. I just want to get to know you."

"Now? Why now?"

Oh shit. Here we go again.
"Because if I want to be with you - I have to get to know you and who you are."

"Why do you want to be with me now?"

Why do I want to be with him now? .... why?....
It's a question I must answer myself...but I don't know how.

My silence made Ghost turn around and look at me- "You see...even you don't know what you want."

He's right.

I walked over to Simon and took his hand which was covered with his gloves.

"Just-just let me think a little."

"So...your 'i love you' from two hours ago, wasn't it real? Just like everything you said you felt before?" He was hurt.

I know I should never have told him that nothing was real for me...I know. I was so wrong and I only said it out of anger, even though he doesn't know that.

"Simon, you know I love you and it's real. What I said that day...it was lies. I said it under anger, I wanted you to suffer like I suffered...it was selfish of me and I know that...and you're absolutely right...I'm sorry. But- I love you."

Simon stared at me-"I love you too, Mel." Ghost grabbed my neck and pulled me close to kiss me but....

The doors to the operating room opened abruptly making us separate very quickly.

Soap, Farah, Price, Laswell, Alejandro, Rodolfo and a few others walked in.

"Oh! Perfect they are already here." Price told us approaching the board.

"Oh wow...Melina Gates, in the flesh....so long."
That voice...it's so familiar, it can't be.
I slowly turned around and there he was...my ex-boyfriend, Phillips Graves.


"Honey, it's been a long time." Graves said walking up to me and giving me a hug.

I looked at Simon and his eyes just said "I'll kill him."

Oh fuck.

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