"Im fucked"

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Farah and I finished setting up our room so that Mara would have her space. Farah and I will continue to sleep in the bunk beds while Mara will sleep in a separate bed.

*knock knock*
Farah walked to the door and opened it.
Mara was standing there with a smile along with her bags and personal gear.

"Come in." Farah said with a smile.

Mara walked through and put her stuff on top of her bed. The three of us stood for a while looking at each other in silence. It was kind of strange...Mara and I hadn't seen each other for a long, long time and she doesn't know Farah.

"Well-my name is Farah, it's nice to meet you, Mara." Farah broke the ice and greeted Mara.

Mara gave her a smile- "same, Farah."

"How have you been?" I asked as I sat down on my bed. Farah walked over to my side and sat down. We were both looking at Mara who was sitting on her bed.

"Well...I've been fine. Working non-stop, the usual and you?"

"Same, but we were on vacation so we're a little out of the usual."

"Yeah?! I wish they would give me a vacation! I'd like to go to Venezuela and see Rodrigo!"

So she still haven't been able to bring him to the United States?

"He must have grown a lot."

"Who is Rodrigo?" Farah asked.

"He's my son, he's my only son...I had him when I was still 15...he was my main reason for getting into a job as risky as this." Mara said.

"Oh...he's in Venezuela?" Farah asked her again.

"Yes...he lives with my mother-in-law. I have no family and Rodrigo's dad was killed, he was into narcos and all that underworld stuff."

"Oh, I'm so sorry." Farah told her.

Mara gave her a smile- "Nah, no worries!"
"Hey, what about you? What's up with you?" Mara looked at me.

"Well- I have a boyfriend." I said covering my face.

"FINALLY?! HE ASKED YOU?!" Farah yelled.

"You're back with that disgusting asshole Graves?! If you tell me yes I'll kill you with my bare hands, Melina." Mara rolled her eyes.

"What?! With Graves?! Pffff noooo nooo, it's with Simon Riley! Tell us!" Farah said laughing.

Mara opened her eyes so wide that she looked like she was going to run out of eyes- "WITH SIMON GHOST RILEY?! Are you playing with me?!"

"I spent my vacation with him...we went on lots and lots of dates, we enjoyed a lot-"

"A lot of sex?" Farah asked with a laugh.

"Too much to be real HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAH." I laughed with Farah.

"I imagine you lost the sensations down there, didn't you?" Mara said joining in the laughter.

"I need a whole new vagina, from scratch. But aha...he asked me to be his girlfriend and well I said yes clearly." I said showing them my ring that was hanging from my neck.

Farah and Mara came over to look at the ring- "CARTIER?! WOW WO- he have several zeros on his bank account?!" Mara asked.

"Yeah, he do." I said laughing.

"I'm happy for you, Melina. You deserve all the happiness in the world, you've suffered too much already...it's time to heal, right?" Mara said holding my hand.

"No more revenge." I looked her straight in the eyes and said.

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All the teams were in the meeting room, we thought Shadow Company would be arriving tomorrow but no, they arrived today as well. Price was concerned about that.

Price along with Laswell started talking about the situation that was about to start in Verdansk. They showed us very strong videos of the Al-Qatala group killing innocent soldiers, killing and raping innocent people even children, I felt very disgusted as I watched all the videos.

Farah as she watched the videos of women being raped along with children and the deaths so graphic, she started to cry...I mean...I don't blame her or judge her...it's really sad and disgusting.

I noticed that on several occasions Simon was looking at me which made me feel butterflies in my stomach. He was checking on me, he is so cute.

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We were all about to leave the meeting room when I felt someone grab my wrist stopping me.

"Melina, can we talk?" It was Graves.

I noticed Simon and our entire team stood waiting to see what Graves wanted from me. Including Mara.

"I don't have time, Graves."

"We're back to our last names? Ouch." Graves said.
But still his hand was gripping mine.

"Can you let go?" I asked looking at him sarcastically.

"Melina...please...give me another chance, I miss you, if you want I'll get down on my knees in front of you and humiliate myself so you can see I'm dead serious." Graves said.

"Phillips, I'm not interested in you anymore. Besides I already have a boyfriend." I hope you're hearing very clearly what I'm saying Simon because I don't want to hear your damn mouth saying I'm interested in my ex.

Graves gave a laugh and started kneeling in front of me-"what-what are you doing? Don't- hey, stand up." I said as I tried to lift him up by his arms.

"Please- my love, forgive me." Graves said loud enough for everyone to hear.

I looked around very embarrassed and pulled him again trying to lift him up- "Philips stop it- stop it you're looking like a fool- stop it."

Philips grabbed my hand and pulled me over to where he was and our mouths touched again. Fuck.

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