"Im your lieutenant"

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"Are you ready?"

What do you mean, am I ready?! Go ahead and fuck the shit of me!

"Do it."

"I don't have a condom on...tho."

"Fuck it, just do it, I'm on the pill."

I was impatient, his cock was almost in, just the tip was in and with that alone I was already very wet for him.

Then he shoved it all in with a single thrust making me open my eyes and moan loudly - "oh-my-fuck!" Simon covered my mouth so my screams couldn't be heard.

Simon was fucking me really good, like he was quite a expert at this. His free hand was on my hip, his hands were the work of gods, they always had his veins sprouting, even down his arms. He was very attractive. Between the heat of our bodies rubbing together plus the steam from the water we were almost suffocating.

His moans of pleasure and suffocation made me wetter and wetter more. I was melting for him.

I felt him cling to me and put his mouth to my ear as his all tattooed arm rested against the wall just short of my head.

"It's your turn...if you want to keep feeling it you'll have to put it in yourself." Simon stopped moving as he pulled his cock out of my vagina.

without turning around I took his cock in my hand and pushed it back into me. "Ah~"

"Be a good girl and show me." He said to me in his seductive voice.

I started to move but I didn't have the same rhythm as him. He likes pain and to provoke it. While I like pleasure more. We were two polar opposites but we connected very well.

I kept moaning like crazy. It was big and I could feel it penetrating my walls...I definitely won't be able to run tomorrow. I'll need a wheelchair.

"You look like you need help...let me help you" then he grabbed me by the back of the neck and started to speed up . I swear I felt like it was coming up to my stomach, this man is not human.

"I-I'm going to come." I informed him as my legs began to shake.

"Do it" he ordered me as he try to hide his moans.

In a matter of minutes I came, my orgasm made me shudder and roll my eyes as I tried not to scream, it was inexplicable.

Simon pulled his cock out and picked up his mask from the floor.
"Kneel down."

I knelt down and looked up at him from below...his abs were majestic and his scars even though they looked very serious made him look hot ass hell. With his hand that he had tattooed he began to masturbate.

"Open your mouth~here it comes." He said between moans, I opened my mouth and stuck out my tongue a little. Seeing that he rolled his eyes in pleasure and threw his head back.

"F-fuckin-hell" then I felt all of his cum dripping down my mouth and face.

As he watched me swallow his cum I could see a smirk create under his mask, he put his hand under my chin and looked up at me- "you're such a slut."

With that he opened the curtain and stepped out.

Oh my god...I just fucked my lieutenant.

| |

We were all in the operating room getting ready and listening to our orders. I was fixing my earpiece as I listened to Price speak.

"Gates-" I heard Price call out to me in front of everyone.


"You're on high ground tonight."

"What?! But-"

"That's an order." Price interrupted me. He was looking at me very seriously, meaning he was serious.

"All right, sir."

"Y'all bastards have 5min to finish getting ready. The birds will be gone in 5." Price said walking out of our sight.

I walked very angrily to the gun room to return my assault rifle for a sniper and all my gear.

As I walked back I could see Ghost putting on his headset. So I walked over to where he was, because I'm pretty sure he knows why I was switched.


"Ghost." He corrected me.


"Why Price changed my position?"

"Because I asked him to."

He asked him?! Okay...is this for real now?!

"Wow wooo...why? Like what the fuck?!"

Ghost stared at me.
"Because I'm your lieutenant. Lower your fucking voice, I thought you learned your fucking lesson."

"Lesson?! Fuck that! I've never done anything wrong, I've received all my orders and carried them out to the letter! Why should I be in any other position, according to you?!" I kept fighting him, there were soldiers watching us including Soap and Gaz.

"Because I say so! I'm your lieutenant so lower your damn voice and treat me with respect! Gates!" Ghost walked up to me while yelling in my face.

I ain't even flinch. I ain't no bitch.

"Wow...wow...guys let's calm down." Soap said as he stood between us trying to calm us down while Gaz held Ghost's arm.

"Apologize." Ghost said to me without blinking an eye.

I gave a mocking laugh- "I'd rather die." I put on my helmet with my night vision goggles on and kept walking toward the helicopter.

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