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I looked at Simon and Simon just wanted to kill Graves...he was definitely very very jelly.

"Do you two know each other?" Soap asked.

Graves and I broke apart and I gave a shy smile-"of course we know each other. She and I were a couple.

At Graves saying that literally almost everyone in the room widened their eyes in shock, everyone except Price and Ghost. Although Ghost looked a little impressed.

"Exactly, we were. Past tense." I said rolling my eyes.

"Not so past tense." Graves spoke again.

This is definitely going to bring me a hell of a lot of trouble, more than I already have and can handle.

"How much are we talking about?" Soap asked.

I looked at Soap in disbelief at this betrayal- "Are you serious?!"

"What?! I'm so confused, I never thought you guys would have been a thing." Soap said holding up his hands.

"We weren't a thing. We were literally a couple for 3 years." Graves said.

Please, God it's me again. Don't punish me like this. If you want you can just swallow me up and spit me away from planet earth but not this. Just-no.

I looked at Simon and his eyes were full of hate. I was afraid of him right now.

"Yes until you were cheating me." I said, shutting him up in front of everyone.

"It was a mistake."

"Yes, that's what they all say. Anyways- what's going on here, Price?" I want to know why Graves's rat is here.

"Shadow Company was integrated into the mission by Shepard." Price told us, yes he was not very happy but his hands were tied with Shepard's decision.

"Unbelievable y quienes son ellos? (And who are they?)" Alejandro asked.

"Eh-English please." Graves replied to Alejandro.

"But and who is this cabron?" Alejandro glared at him as he laughed sarcastically along with Rodolfo.

"Guys, let's calm down." Laswell said before a fight could form.

The atmosphere was very tense and with a lot of bad vibes.

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After 2 hours of meeting, we left the room and continued walking towards the dining room, until I felt a hand stopping me.

I turned around and it was Graves.

"What do you want?" I asked him taking my hand off his hand.

"Hey- I miss you. Can we talk about the misunderstanding." Graves said to me in a sweet voice.

I could feel someone else's gaze....me slyly turned to see who it was and it was Ghost who was standing next to Farah and Soap looking at me.


"Hey-please." Graves touched my cheek.

"Phillips, stop it. I'm not interested in you anymore. You screwed up our relationship and now you want to go back? No thanks." I took a step back.

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