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"Rebel, it's a distraction to my work."

Ohh fuck no. He's already lost his fucking mind, confirmed.

"STOP! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SAYING?!" I yelled at him trying to stop this conversation.

"Gates." Price called after me.

"Wait!" I said while trying to get Ghost to look at me.

"MELINA! Stop it!" Price yelled at me.

I was very annoyed- "STOP WHAT?!"

"Ghost I grant you the change of partner, with MacTavish." Price told him.

"Thank you, sir." Ghost did his salute and walked out of the office.

I was about to leave after him but Price stopped me- "Melina, I know for a fact Riley didn't leave his post, he would never do that and never in all his years working, he's never let a mission go to waste. If he took all the blame and responsibility along with the decision to change partners, it was because of you and for you. It's very obvious. I hope you can grow up and understand that. Now get the hell out of my office." Price said to me.

I just gave him a 'fuck you' look and walked out of the office. I started to look everywhere for Ghost but I couldn't find him.

Until I saw him going into his room shared with Soap and Gaz.

As I walked in I saw him waiting for me- "I knew you were coming, tell me."

"What do you mean tell me?! What the fuck? WE'RE NOTHING?! REBEL?! CHANGE OF PARTNER?! WHAT THE FUCK SIMON?!" I yelled at him as I approached to him.

Ghost just crossed his arms and looked at me .... without saying anything. He just let me yell at him.

"I did it all for you."

"FOR ME?! PLEASE! Don't make me laugh!" I kept yelling at him as I laughed sarcastically.

"Yes, for you. And yes, you're a distraction to me. Because I don't care what happens to me."

"You've always been a distraction to me and I've never had to ask for a change of partner! WHAT YOU'RE SAYING IS AN EXCUSE!"

"No! No! Melina you must understand, THAT THE MISSION-"


"YES FUCK IT, BUT FOR OUR FAULT GAZ WAS INJURED, HE COULD HAVE DIED TOGETHER WITH JOHNNY!" ghost yelled at me but he never moved from where he was.

I just stared at him in shock...I couldn't understand what was going on..but at the same time...yes...Johnny and Gaz meant a lot to Simon. It was always the three of them along with Price and knowing that they almost died and that Gaz was seriously injured...it got to Simon...real bad.

"I understand. Sorry for being a little unsensitive...I know how much Gaz and Johnny mean to you. So okay...let's switch partners." I said as I looked down at my hands.

I really don't want to change partners...I want to remain as Ghost's partner...but it's his decision to no longer want to work together with me. I have to accept his decision and respect it.

"But- that we are nothing...it hurt me. Thank you very much." I said.

"I didn't lie . It's the truth. We're not a couple and we're not married."

Wow. Who is this person? Because my Simon is not saying that .

"What? Don't...don't say that. We are a thing." I said as my voice began to crack.

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