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Simon's POV:

After we arrived at the base, Melina and Farah were quickly taken to the base's medical wing. Mara's body was taken to the base morgue for investigation.

We were all tired, traumatized, in shock and had a lot of blood on us.

Melina had no vital signs. She was dead in my arms...we had to perform CPR to resuscitate her. We resuscitated her properly but her pulse was very low and she was losing a lot of blood.

The main concern for all of us was her two head wounds. They were very serious.

Two hours later we still didn't know anything about Melina, they wouldn't let us in and they wouldn't tell us anything either.

Price and Laswell called us in for a meeting. Farah had already been seen and had nothing serious. We were all in the meeting room but no one was talking...we were all silent, even Soap.

The doors opened and  the captain along with Laswell walked in.

"Guys...how are you?" Price asked us.

No one answered-"we'll be fine." Gaz said.

"Golem...I'm so sorry about Mara and your whole team. They were great soldiers all of them and amazing people." Laswell said.

Golem had been the only survivor of Warcom. The others had been successfully eliminated.

"Farah, I know it's a lot...but we need the details of what happened back in Verdansk." Laswell said to Farah.

Farah lowered her head- "We did everything they had planned. We got in, waited for the cargo, intercepted the truck...two soldiers went to capture the drivers but they were very well armed, killed two of our people, we all started shooting, Talon- the lieutenant, opened the back door and the truck just- blew up. It was-it was a trap."

"Mara knew it was a trap? Did she tell you both anything?" Laswell asked.

"Excuse me? What? What are you implying?" Farah asked a little offended.

"No-I'm not implying anything, I'm just asking the questions." Laswell said.

"No! No! How can you doubt Mara?! She died! She was the only one who knew what had happened to her team, she had the information needed to imprison Shepherd! THEY KILLED HER BECAUSE SHE WAS A THREAT TO HIM." Farah said raising her voice.

We were all silent listening to her.
"Okay...why would they kill her?" Price asked her.

"Aren't you listening to me?! The same reason they had to kill all three of us. Those snipers only shot the three of us, not the guys, but Mara, Melina and me."

Stop - so it's not a coincidence.

"It's true, the snipers never shot at us." Soap said.

"The-the soldier who attacked Melina...he had Soap in front but...no, he attacked Melina who was farther away...she was his target. It's no coincidence." I said as I looked directly at Laswell and Price.

"Farah, why you, girls? What did you see or hear?"

"We read some papers...Mara had gotten them, they were classified information from Verdansk as well...but inside the papers was something called "Shadow Company Program." It talked about Makarov and other big fish enemies of the nations. It was all signed by Shepherd, which was weird to us because it was Soviet stuff."

We all opened our eyes, surprised.
"Wait- wait...what are you talking about?" Laswell asked in confusion.

"That's right. This is already a mission that Coalition was working on 4 months ago, it was a lost mission. We had no leads or just some evidence. So they shut the mission down. We only had one informant inside Shadow Company, but her position was badly compromised and everything was burned and destroyed...And she was missing from our radar....we left her for dead in action." Golem spoke.

"What was her name?" Laswell asked.

"Maely 'Charlie' Callahan" Golem said.

Laswell's eyes went wide as she covered her mouth-"What? Laswell? Who is she?"

"Charlie Callahan..." Laswell said as she gave a slight smile.

"Okay...who is she? I'm confused." Price said.

"You know Golem...you can't kill a ghost, you know that?" Laswell said.

A ghost.

"Maely 'Charlie' Callahan, part of the Marines, member of Task Force: STALKER, better known as 'Ghosts' , Golem if she was infiltrating Shadow company and helping Coalition, it's not because she was a good Samaritan, but because her unit had you guys under operation as well. The information destroyed and burned were the ghosts. Their missions are more than just missions. We can say we are their only allies, we need to contact them." Laswell said as the screen showed the picture of the Ghosts unit...they were all wearing black uniforms and skull masks like mine.

"Okay, and how do you contact them?"

"By seeking their attention."

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