"Mask off"

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{FANART credits for @sleepyconfusedpotato, find it on Pinterest!}

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"Yes..but actually for me...you look better, Mel."

I looked at him but I didn't believe what my ears where listening...I mean he hates me and he's shown me that enough.

"Ha ha ha ...that's funny." I told him as I laughed sarcastically and rolled my eyes.

He just stared at me.
"I'm dead serious."

Which made my heart fail, my breathing short and my eyes went wide as I looked back up at him. I could feel my cheeks heat up.

"If-if you think for one second that you'll take me for an idiot...you're wrong."

"Are you that blind?" Simon crossed his arms and stared at me.

"Wh-what are you talking about?!"

"I don't think I can be your friend."
Oh. Super...it hurts. It burns...wow.

"Okay..." I lowered my head and tried to hide my face of disappointment and sadness. None of my past relationships hurt as much as his words.

"I like you...and- and that's why I can't be your friend. Maybe- you just want a friendship- and even if I do too....but- I wouldn't get enough with that...Because I like you."

My heart was beating like crazy again...I was nervous, I didn't know what to say or do. I am paralyzed. Am I dreaming? If I am, I'll hate myself for the rest of my damn miserable life.

"And I know you think so too...I know you like me...you're attracted to me...and you're obsessed with me."

"No-I'm not."

Wait...why am I denying it?! I already screwed myself. Sorry folks...it's just that I'm dumb.

"No? Are you sure? Then why were you so jealous when the waitress gave me that note? You think I didn't see you?"

Oop- Damn this man has eyes even in the back of his head.

"You're wrong- I just- I just-"

"Shh...you're a very bad liar." Ghost put his index finger in my mouth making me stop talking.

"It's-it's the truth."

"Then why does your heart say otherwise?"

"My heart?" Don't tell me....

"It's beating pretty fast making you breathe and swallow saliva pretty fast...for a no...it's a little weird, don't you think?" While he was saying all that...he was slowly approaching me like an animal hunting his prey..he had me trapped.

"Kiss me." I said to him without thinking.

"Say less."

Ghost grabbed me by the back of my neck and pulled me closer to his face, with my left hand I lifted his mask up to his nose so I could kiss him...it was the first time our lips connected...his lips were soft and very delicate...we kissed as if the world was going to end, we never stopped and our tongues danced alone with each other.

Then we separated so we could breathe. I got up from my seat and sat on his lap. Ghost's hands began to venture all over my body, one hand ended up on my hip while the other slowly ran down my spine tickling my spine.

Ghost pulled me to him and kissed my neck making me moan with passion. My left hand was on his chest while my right hand wrapped around the back of his head.

Ghost began to suck on my neck, leaving several marked hickeys on my neck.

I pulled myself away and grabbed him by the cheeks gently...while looking at him tenderly.

"Let me see your face." I said.

Ghost looked down and tried to move his face to the opposite side. I held his face again making him look at me again.

"It's going to be okay."

Ghost grabbed my wrists and tried to pull my hands away from his face. But I resisted.

"Do you trust me?" I asked him making him stop.

He was silent for a second- "i- I do."

"Then...trust me. Show me who you are...because I can't love you in the dark...I need to see you, know you...learn to love you." I told him in a soft, sweet tone. My tears began to form in my eyes.....

He let go of my wrists gently and ran his hand over my eyes as he wiped away my tears...he lowered his hand to my neck and kissed me.

"Do it." He said releasing me.

I gave him a sincere smile and put my thumbs on either side of his cheeks holding underneath the mask...I began to lift his mask gently waiting for him to tell me to stop...but he never did.

As I removed his full mask...I could see his real face...he had brown hair with a bit of curves, his eyes were a very beautiful brown...it reminded me of the fall season...he had a scar that ran from his lower cheek to his chin...his lips were a bit thin and his nose was very beautiful...in other words he was gorgeous. A beautiful sweet boy.

"I know...I am gross." He said lowering his gaze from my face.

"No. You're not. You're the opposite. You're beautiful." I said lifting his head up by his chin.

"You don't have to lie to me."

"I am not...remember I'm a very bad liar...and you know very well when I lie...tell me, am I doing it right now?" I asked him with a smile.

He gave a smirk smile and it was sincere... "no...you are telling the truth."

"Exactly, you are a work of art." I said taking his neck and kissing him again.

Ghost leaned close to my ear- " do you wanna go to the back sit?"

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