Chapter 28 D.iapered

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This is your FINAL strike!!!"
The young woman winced a bit as she was yelled at by her superiors yet again, hardly even daring to lift her head to face them.
As humiliating as it was though, she simply couldn't deny it.
Especially not when she was standing right here with the evidence filling her jumpsuit and stinking up the council room...
Hana Song, known more famously by her professional name of D.Va, had quite the shameful secret.
Despite being known for her heroics, cute looks, and unparalleled mecha piloting skills, the 19-year old South Korean military officer had quite the potty problem!!!
At first she figured it was nothing more than a one-time incident.
Something that could've happened to anyone!!!
Simply getting tossed around by omnics to the point of a little bladder leakage, no big deal!
But happened again.
Right as she was climbing out of her trusty mech, Tokki!
The poor girl had held it entirely too long and just couldn't keep it in climbing out.
Happens to the best of us at one point or another, surely!!!
...and theeeen...this time happened.
Hana was SO close to the bathroom, literally steps away!!!
But before she could make it, the poor girl was swarmed by paparazzi and fans alike, all hounding her for comments and autographs after a fierce battle!
And, unfortunately for her, she'd ended up doing even MORE than just wetting her skintight suit.
A torrential flood of golden, Mountain Dew induced pee was only the opening act for the Dorito-paired dump she lost complete control of and let fill the seat of her suit so obviously.
All those cameras, from EVERY news station, focused right on her butt...
The government was going to have a hell of a time covering that one up.
But even worse than the public humiliation, the PUNISHMENT for shaming herself while working for said government was twice as bad...
She exclaimed in utter shock as a nurse from the infirmary handed her a pack of thick, sweetly-scented adult diapers.
The damned things looked as if they were made for her personally, right down to the cutesy bunny logo printed on the front!!!
She wanted to protest, but was immediately silenced by the council of middle-aged men sitting quite literally above her.
"We simply can't have you soiling MEKA's name like you soil your underwear, I'm sure you understand."
"And so you'll do as you're told or you WILL charged with insubordination, Ms. Song!"
"I'm sure we'll have no more problems out of you after this meeting...correct?"
Her hands were tied, and mouth was silenced.
Hana was entirely helpless against the onslaught of belittling and berating words.
Mainly because they were RIGHT.
With a humble little bow, the girl shamefully had to waddle her way out of the council room, almost FEELING the leering, judgemental eyes burn holes into her lumpy, browned seat...
All she could do was hug her new pack of diapers tightly to her chest, and stifle her tears the best she could...
"Geeze, why'd they have to be so...BULKY!?"
Hana lamented with a fierce blush growing on her cheeks as she checked herself out in the mirror.
It'd been a couple days since her last...incident, and today's mission required that she come in her FULL uniform.
And yes, that included the diapers.
Even when she was diaper-free, every little curve and contour she boasted showed entirely too well under that form-fitting, blue and pink jumpsuit.
So it was no surprise that adding some extra bulk to her butt would definitely be noticeable.
But even she couldn't have imagined to THIS extent!!!
Or perhaps she simply didn't want to think of such things...
In the mirror, it was plain as day though.
About 4 inches thick, her diaper bulged out from underneath the thin material like crazy!
Her butt looked like she'd downright stuffed a pillow down her pants, and the front...well, she wouldn't DARE say what that looked like!
And despite the tightness, somehow she still managed to make what she thought to be the loudest damn crinkling sound in the world!!!
Every single move of that stupidly thick diaperbutt would alert anybody within a 12-foot radius of her at LEAST.
Hana could only pray that with good enough bathroom habits, she'd get out of this thing much sooner than her superiors expected.
But for now, for the sake of her country and the world...she had to bear it.
"O-Okay Hana...get it together...
Put your game face on!!!"
She psyched herself up in the mirror, lightly spanking her own bottom with a couple of light 'phwomp's before half-waddling that poofed-up tushy out the changing room, determined to earn her big girl panties back and clear her name of her stinky shame!
Come on, come on!
The girl bounced in place, clenching her thighs as tight as she could right there inside her mecha as she flew around scanning for the nearest bathroom.
Hana'd done so well holding it throughout the most recent battle, not even losing control when she was outright dogpiled by a bunch of Gwishin omnics!
But two bottles of soda pop in and enough junk food to give a girl diabetes on the spot, and D.Va was ready to BURST from front to back!
"Where is i-AH!!!
There, yes yes!!!
J-Just gotta...g-go...
The poor girl let herself get all-too excited upon sight of sweet, sweet relief.
Even a single second of letting her tight little cheeks unclench could spell out a disaster for her puffed-up posterior, so desperately wiggling around in the air.
She immediately released the hatch open landing, fanning her nose with her hand as she slowly emerged from the gassy cockpit.
Her toots where hardly ever THAT bad...but then again, she didn't used to be THIS close to pooping herself so badly!
Once her feet hit ground, she took a couple of deep, calming breaths...
"Alright D.Va, you got this!
It's potty time!!!
You won't make a mess of yourself like last time...y-you won't!"
She mentally repeated to herself, standing just a couple of yards away from the abandoned gas station toilets bow-legged yet tightly clenched up at the same time.
With one hand between her thighs and groping her crinkly crotch, and the other pressed firmly up the seat of her huggies, she tiptoed herself towards the bathroom door as cautiously as possible.
The scene was all-too reminiscent of her last accident...failing this time would probably crush the girl's confidence into a fine baby powder.
But with every inch she toddled, even with her dam about to burst and train rushing to leave the station, she was feeling ever-more hopeful!
5 steps...4...3 steps!
Just a couple more an-
No no no, please this isn't...MMMRPH!!!"
She grunted behind grit teeth, squatting right as she had started to reach for the doorknob.
So close, SO CLOSE, yet as a single spurt of pee tricked into her thirstily awaiting padding, she began to panic.
All she had to do was calm down...just calm herself and focus!
Deep breaths, clench nice and tight, think about anything but the potty needs...yes, yes it was working!!!
Maybe she could even stand!
A little yellow-spot wouldn't matter! She was doing so much better now!!!
Even a brown skidmark in her seat wouldn't be too bad!!!
So long as she cou-
And just like that, only halfway popping up from her squat, Hana felt her entire lower-half just...give up.
Her bright brown eyes went wide.
Those pretty pink lips hung agape.
Her face flushed a deep, burning red.
Her pants...bloated.
Poor Hana let out a desperately frustrated mix of shameful grunts and frustrated screams as she entirely gave in to nature's call.
Gripping her knees tightly, with her back arched and head bowed, her jutting hips buckled down and force her pampers down with a sharp, jagged bulge!!!
A single log spearheaded itself right out of her tired little hole, pushing the skintight suit as far outward and obviously as it could before finally yielding to the pressure and smushing against itself!
Her bladder spasmed over and over, wildly spraying steamy hot golden arches into her highly-absorbent padding, making the entirety of her crotch swell and sag with an amazingly loud hissing and sloshing!!!

The gamergirl hero felt her tears uncontrollably streaming down her hot, red cheeks.
Her lips quivered, but no sound came from them anymore...there was just no point in throwing a full fit!
She had to admit it to herself, right then and there;
Hana Song was a total diapergirl!!!
She stayed there, squatting and pottying in a complete lack of control for a solid 2 minutes.
Just...taking it all in.
The building weight wrapped around her hips, the hot and heavy squish of a freshly soaked diaper being held so tightly in place, the irregular yet semi-firm mass spreading across her pert little patootie.
It was disgusting.
It was shameful!
But most of all, it was...i-it was...AMAZING!!!
For the first time, Hana had really just...let go.
She stood there and just let the feeling wash all over her.
EXPERIENCED every sensation, good and bad, to its completion without interruption.
No paparazzi, no fans to worry about, no teammates or even bosses to bother her.
Just her and her hot, humid...heavenly huggies.
Oh the way it squished against her with even the slightest movement.
The depraved moans felt gurgle from deep down whenever another installment of mess pushed its way into her overcrowded seat, or how her womanhood felt utterly drenched in it's own makings, rubbed against ferociously by sodden SAP material...
Combined with a strangely...overbearing sense of sweet relief despite the abhorrently icky method of emptying...Hana was feeling something entirely new.
Nothing imposed on her, nothing expected by her fans or precious, protected citizens.
Hana was...HORNY!!!
And like any other flustered, freshly coined young adult woman, the 19-year-old diaper filler shoved both of those trembling hands between her thighs and violently groped at her smushy, swelling padding!
Rubbing up and down, all around, and finally fingering herself like a savage straight through all four inches of incredibly packed pampers.
T-This is so...w-wrong!
B-But...GOD it feels so right!!!"
She cried out to nobody in particular, falling right back onto her weighty bottom with a resounding 'SQQQQRSH!!!', which would only serve to boost her desire even more!!!
She went all in, rolling flat onto her back and kicking her legs up spastically as she ground those digits deeeep into her crotch.
Just a little longer!
A bit harder!!
A touch more of total depravity and she'd...she'd...
The totally dumpy-bottomed babe moaned out to the heavens, eyes rolling back just a bit as her tongue flopped out lazily!
Her lightly sweaty, flushed face glowed so gorgeously in the setting sun...
She'd just laid there, for what felt like an eternity, basking in her smelly, shameful sin that seemed to just...please her to no end.
Maybe she'd ended up this way thanks to the stresses of hero work.
Maybe it was her body just telling her THIS is what she wanted all along.
There was no real telling, nor did it matter right now.
All that Hana cared about was enjoying this time, right here.
...and just how soon the girl could experience it again~




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