Some things my friend's gassy bum has done (real anecdotes)

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I've made this account to tell you about a friend of mine we'll call Bethany, though that's of course not her real name.

She's 5'7"-ish, thin frame but with a big bum and these gorgeous wide hips. Baby face, big brown eyes, thick dark brown hair. She's also a sufferer of IBS, and farts more than anyone I've ever met. I'll present a greatest hits selection of stories below - tell me if you have a favourite and feel free to ask any questions.

Ladylike Hummus Wind: She'd decided a little earlier to eat a chickpea salad with hummus. Bad idea. For a good twenty minutes or so, she farts almost non-stop, perhaps averaging one a minute or a little less. All really super-high pitched and almost melodic in the purity of the tone, for whatever reason. Perhaps halfway through she gives up on "excuse me". Very little smell, unfortunately.

Skype Sound: She's overseas, and we're chatting on Skype. She pauses mid-sentence and her eyes widen as four or five good seconds of machine-gun fart ring out. Neither of us mention it.

Spaghetti gas: Eventually, she figured out she was allergic to gluten. I served her spaghetti some time before that and did notice she had pungent silent wind all night. Neither of us mentioned it, but she did try to duck out of the room a lot and blushed a few times.

Supermarket rudeness: We're in a supermarket aisle looking at drinks. I hear a tiny pop or crackle that sounds as if it came from her rear end, but write it off as probably not a fart. When the lingering smell hits a second or so later, even in the cavernous supermarket, I decide it probably was a fart.

Upset stomach: I'm asleep in a bag on her floor and she's in bed. Wave upon wave of smell suggests she might not be feeling great, and the smell almost makes me sick too.

Wet and Smelly: We're walking back to her place after grabbing party supplies, and I'm admiring her really incredible bottom in the thin and nearly worn-out (a hole in the seat reveals a little patch of grey marle cotton undies) black (well, previously black) tights she's decided to wear. Suddenly, a fart rips through, a loud burbling moist bassy burst perhaps a second in length. Even outside on a windyish (in more ways than one. . .) night, a strong smell hits me two or so metres away. Her "'scuse me" sounded really genuinely apologetic.

She'd also broken wind twice earlier that night - once a medium-big one with no smell she excused herself for, and once a smaller one she thought she got away with under music.

What a lady: Huge casual bassy fart in jean shorts while we're walking through a crowded university campus. She doesn't mention it. I don't smell it.


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