Red Dead- Adler's Ailing

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First time ever writing smut, but I've read enough to feel a little bit confident to try this out. may add a part 2, I dunno.

"You know," Sadie looked up at the heavy canopy above her, "I never thought it would be so beautiful around here."

West Elizabeth was indeed a pretty place. Still to be tamed by ever expanding civilization, it was the last haven for untamed nature. As well as the scarce gangs that were hunted out of the west.

Arthur shook his head as he reigned his horse to a canter, "I don't think I have an opinion to that matter." he commented on the scenery. The outlaw wasn't keen on pretty things. Considering his grungy attire and the worn hat on his head, it seemed the only thing he considered to clean was the pistol on his belt and the horse he rode on.

Sadie rolled her eyes, "Oh come on, you got to know some thing about pretty. Haven't you been spending time out in town?"

"Buying provisions for camp."

"And what about your little expedition in Saint Denis? With the french painter that made all them nudes?"

A gravelly laugh rumbled in Arthur's chest as he shook his head at her, "Trust me, that ain't pretty. Humorous, lewd, a bit disgusting maybe. But ain't pretty."

The two chuckled as they rode on, but Sadie stopped smiling. A low grumble echoed through the forest, and for a moment, the birds stopped to listen to what it was."

Arthur stared up at the trees, "Thunder maybe? Clouds seem to be rolling over."

"Yeah," Sadie replied quickly, "I bet that was it."

He glanced at her with a worried look. She wasn't the cheery, stand-on-her-own self anymore. For some reason, she seemed to be hunched over on her horse. A pained look had spread across her face.

"You okay?" he queried.

"Yeah," her face was tight with pain as she tried for a smile, "Mighty fine."

"Sadie, you don't look too fine."

"Arthur, don't worry about me. I'll be-"

She was interrupted by a recognizable sound. It reverberated on her saddle before fading in the soft breeze. Arthur's nose may have been in poor condition since Blackwater, but he could detect the scent of something rotten.

He raised his eyebrows, "Sounds like your horse is in some trouble. I have some-"

"That wasn't the horse, Arthur." she snapped at him, "I think we need to stop."


This time, the sound was unmistakable. Arthur recoiled at it first, then groaned, "Fine then. But make it quick."

They took a turn off the dirt road and into the woods. Strapping their horses reins to a nearby tree, Arthur watched as Sadie stood anxiously around the brush, her eyes jumping from one spot to another. Every once in awhile she would wince and lower her behind to the ground


"Jesus," Arthur fanned the air, "This from last night?"

"And the night before." Sadie moaned, "I haven't shit in a couple days now."

The outlaw muttered a few curses before beckoning at her, "Fine then. Just hurry it up."

Sadie stared at him in horror, "I can't shit with you right here! I need to find a place, like a log or a stump-"

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