So we sitting in the parking lot and I'm in the passenger and I start breaking up some weed and started rolling a joint (I smoke a lot). We start smoking and no farts most of the session. We kept the windows up to keep the smoke in the car and me and Allie was just talking and since I was gettin high I was able to forget the farts she was letting go so I wouldn't get rock hard next to her. She had her back against her window and her legs open facing me while she was talking. She was talking about her mom being strict or whatever and in the middle of talking she took a pause, I thought she was about to say someone was watching us smoke lol. Before I could say anythin she ripped a 2-3 sec duck fart like errrrrrrrp. She instantly started bursting out laughing so hard she couldn't get out the words she goes "yea that's what I think of my mom lol". My boner instantly came back and mind you we still had the windows up. She starts put her head down only a lil and took a whiff and was like "yooooo I gotta get home it's bad" making her laugh even stronger. This one was soo eggy we were talking about how it smelled for like 7 min. After that she started driving toward my house which is about 20 min from the gym. 10 min into the ride, it got quiet, Allie looked pretty focused driving. Without any warning she released another loud airy fart like "booofff" and goes "I needa get home soon I'm gonna wreck my toilet prob"( that made me laugh honestly cause her farts were really bad but I was still so turned on). One sec lada she goes "ugh fuck and opened the windows" "that's really really bad". I was like omg that I was shocked at her farting so much but really I couldn't wait to get home. I only could smell the fart for a few seconds but it smelled like straight shit so I don't think she was lying about destroying her toilet. She kept apologizing saying she never drinking protein with her eggs anymore. I go it happens protein does that to me too you'll get used to it. So 5 min go by and I kid you not she rippped the longest loud fart of the day it sounded sooo wet prob because she was on her leather seats. I can't really describe the sound cause it was so wild sounding and long and drawn out. It was kinda like a bubbly Lexxi Lockhart fart. It was sooo fuckin sexy. All I could say was "wow that was huge" she didn't seem amused tho she was jus shaking her head and was like it's so bad. What really sucks is that honestly I couldn't smell that one because she had both are windows down from the fart in the car she let off( fuck I wanted too so bad). So eventually we get to my house she goes "ok I really gotta get home". "I go yea go poop you stink" she goes "I love you thanks for putting up with my farts my boyfriend would think I'm so nasty" I'm like it's just a fart plus "I have around you so it wasn't that weird". We said our goodbyes and instantly when I got inside to shower I wanted to take care of business first. And tbh the load I shot out was so crazy. That was the first time she farted around me even though she's pretty bubbly and quirky. But after that she didn't mind letting it rip around me a few times after that( don't worry there will be more stories) I don't have as many of her as the last girl because we ended up fucking( no we weren't dating) during a brief breakup wit her bf. I didn't really wanna date anybody at at that point and that angered her and she complained I didn't take her serious enough and eventually got back together with her bf. That ultimately ruined our friendship cause she ended up telling him we hooked up and the dude didn't want us to hang out anymore. I got a couple more stories about Allie and even though we aren't on good terms I still sometimes think about this time everytime I see her picture and remember how bad those farts were (instant boner). More real stories to come. Sorry if I'm not the best writer, but I like reliving these stories and sharing them with you guys.
Fart story oneshots!
RandomNotice: The book's chapters are not from mine and added them because they're not in Wattpad, I want to make these stories available to all so ill post them here. Take note: This story might be removed not by me but by Wattpad mods, so if they're sud...