Mei Learns a Lesson [Part 1. 2. 3.]

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2v2 Deathmatch - Ecopoint: Antarctica

Angela wasn't too happy about being paired up with Mei for the mission. She had always found Mei to take things too lightly, always joking around and giggling during tense moments and serious firefights. However, teamwork was important in 2v2 matches, so she resolved herself to put up with Mei for as long as the mission required.

"Hiya Ziegler! Ready to get started?" Mei bubbled, plucking at Angela's nerves right from the start.

"Doctor Ziegler, remember? And I think we should discuss strategy a little before the doors-"

"Oh don't worry about that Ziegler, just stay behind me and keep that blue beam of yours switched on. Sound good?"

Angela sighed, knowing that this was going to turn into a long match for her.

"Look Mei, I appreciate your confidence, but we're going to need..."

She could already see Mei's attention dwindling. Mei began fiddling with the cryo-tank over her shoulder, twisting something absentmindedly.

"...because the last time we were deployed together-" THUNK

Angela blinked. interrupted by the sudden noise. She look down to see Snowball, deactivated and rolling slowly on its side along the ground towards her.

"Oops, tee-hee, sorry Snowball! I guess shouldn't mess with my pack right before the match starts. Could you...?" Mei giggled and held out her hand, looking slightly embarrassed.

Rolling her eyes and giving up on her speech, Angela knelt down to pick up Mei's little robotic friend. As she reached out her hand to grab it, the machine suddenly sprang to life, motors whirring and lights blazing blue. Confusion lept through her mind for a moment, then she heard Mei laughing merrily as the first snowflakes began to fall inside the spawn room. She knew Mei was up to one of her silly games again, but had no time to react to the close-range blast of frigid cold.

It felt like her entire body tensed up all at once, every muscle freezing in place. She felt it happening, tried to stand up or back away, but she was already solid as a rock and unable to move a muscle. Still kneeling, she looked up at Mei, who had removed her glasses and was currently wiping tears from her eyes due to laughing so hard.

"Hehehe! Oh Angela, you're too kind for your own good, you know that? Ah let me just get comfy here, these countdowns always take so long, don't you think?"

Angela could only watch as Mei put her glasses back on and casually walked towards her, then turned around and sat down directly on Angela's upturned face. She couldn't even grimace at the humiliating act, despite being thoroughly disgusted by the chubby woman's ass. Mei's snow-pants did little to hide the curves of her cheeks, and Angela found herself pressed right up against them with her nose probing their crack. Her breathing was slowed in her frozen state, but the scent she inhaled with each long drawn-out breath made her wonder when was the last time that Mei had gotten out of her parka and taken a shower.

Mei wiggled her butt a little and giggled again as Angela's face dug deeper into her crevice. She was leaning back with her full weight against her solidified team-mate, treating her like a stool at some sleazy dive-bar. Angela wanted to scream, to gag, to rage-quit, but she couldn't do anything at the moment except slowly inhale from Mei's musky crotch.

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