The Trans-Atlantic Disaster (Part 2)

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Thomas was very good at sleeping in airplanes. Unlike most people, he didn't have to try to fall asleep, and once he was asleep, it took a lot to wake him back up again. Every night was a gamble, as he wasn't always sure his alarms would wake him up in the morning, and things got awkward whenever he fell asleep at a friends place, or in a movie theater. He could fall asleep pretty much anywhere, and planes were no exception. The constant sound of the engines was comforting to him, and the occasional turbulence didn't bother him at all.

So when Thomas fell asleep surrounded by students from an all girls school on their way to a Christmas school getaway, he didn't wake up for a very long time.

The interior lighting of the plane had gone into night mode by the time he sleepily opened his eyes. He blinked, staring up at the roof of the cabin, and noticed that the seatbelt light was off. The plane shuddered a little with some turbulence, but otherwise, the cabin was filled with a drowsy silence that often develops over long flights. He swallowed a few times, trying to get rid of that slight dry feeling in his mouth he often developed during long periods of slumber, and looked around the cabin.

That was when he noticed something touching his leg.

He frowned and looked down at his lap, and saw that Sasha was resting her feet on his thigh. Her shoes were gone, and a pair of striped socks took their place. He looked over at her. The brunette was fast asleep, her back leaning against the corner of her seat and the wall of the plane. Her hands were stuffed in her grey hoodie, and her head was pressed against a pillow which was propped up near the window. She slowly breathed in and out, her mouth open slightly.

Thomas didn't mind her putting her feet on him as she slept. In fact, he had to admit to himself that he kind of liked it. He glanced around at the rest of the plane, vowing to himself to move as little as possible so that her feet never fell off of his leg.

That was when he noticed the smell.

He sniffed the air, narrowing his eyes. The air was thick with a carby smell, like old soggy potatoes, but with a hint of what smelled like poop. He sniffed again, screwing up his nose. It was a pretty gross scent. As he turned his head and craned his neck to look at the bathrooms behind him, one of the girls seated across the aisle glanced over at him, but otherwise, the passengers of the plane were still and relatively silent. He wondered if faulty bathrooms were to blame for the stench. He was sitting near them after all, with only one row behind him between his seat and the plane's aft toilets. But then he realized that he hadn't smelled anything earlier, so it probably wasn't sewage.

He turned, settling back into his seat as he realized that what he was smelling was probably a very rich fart. He looked at the girl sleeping next to him, wondering whether the fart had come from her, (and secretly hoping it did.) She provided no answer, but continued breathing, her face peaceful and still. He became even more aware of the feeling of her feet resting on him as he imagined her farting. His cock stirred a little. Then he realized that her foot was just inches away from his cock, and it stirred a little more.

Trying to distract himself, Thomas looked around the cabin of the plane again. He spotted Chelsea's blonde bun a little ahead of him. The flight attendant stood in the aisle, bent over slightly as she spoke softly to a passenger. After a few moments, she straightened up and her blue eyes met his. They grew a little wider, and a smile appeared on her face.

She started marching towards him, and he couldn't help but notice that her form fitting blazer didn't quite manage to completely contain the bounce of her chest. The sight was a little captivating: her beautiful face grinning at him as her curvy hips moved from side to side, her shapely thighs moving under her skirt, and her chest bouncing and wobbling ever so slightly with each step. He looked up at her face as she stopped next to him, and she leaned forwards, resting her arm on the seat in front of him.

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