one; season four

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chapter one, season four.

LA WAS REGULARLY in shambles these days

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LA WAS REGULARLY in shambles these days. There was no doubt about that. Between people hating people and disease ridden hospitals, there was no happy place.

Shifts for the LAFD never seemed to be normal anymore, each one left Hunter Callahan wondering why the hell she chose to be a first responder. Working in the sweltering heat for not even a "thank you" seemed to drain the energy out of her.

The said shambles of the city didn't do much to affect Hunter. She wasn't afraid of germs and the fact that covid, so formally named, had resulted in the shut down of over half the city didn't bother her. Not like Hunter liked going out anyways.

The blonde woman didn't however like the additional face mask, a suffocating material when combined with the Los Angeles summer. The cloth seemed to remind her too much of the dusty dunes of Afghanistan and that had happened there.

In other good news, Cody Callahan was due to return home from Afghanistan within the next couple of months, much to Hunters excitement. It had been far too long since she last seen her brother face to face. Don't be fooled though, she didn't like him by any means. The two loved each other in their own fucked up sibling manner that any set of twins would understand. In addition, she would never admit it but Hunter did worry for his safety most days.

Besides all the other catastrophes and changes, Hunter's life seemed to be going pretty damn well— all things considered. Her happiness seemed to come in the form of a six—two, blond haired, blue eyed beauty, also known as Evan Buckley. It was officially and unofficial relationship between the two. Neither used titles publicly but they both knew they were there and that was all that mattered. Hunter wouldn't admit it, but she secretly liked hiding things and sneaking around.

The two blond firefighters recently seemed to fall into a smooth sailing routine that got both of them up for work in the morning, and on time.

Hunter groaned while rolling over turn of the alarm that vibrated from her phone on the nightstand. The blonde sat up in her, running a hand over her tired features.

𝙡𝙚𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙙𝙤𝙬𝙣. Evan Buckley ²Where stories live. Discover now