forty seven

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chapter forty seven.

TOSSING AND TURNING, her blonde hair was damp with sweat as she unknowingly tossed the comforter off of her body

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TOSSING AND TURNING, her blonde hair was damp with sweat as she unknowingly tossed the comforter off of her body. The moonlight shown through the window displayed right of the bed, a small glow casting down on her restless figure.

In her mind, Hunter was dazed and breathless. Her hands zip tied in front of her hips as her knees rubbed against the rocky and sandy ground. Her normally blonde hair was astray, traces of blood and dirt in her locks while her side burned with a phantom pain.

Hunter watched, blue eyes trailing the familiar man— face blurred in her mind as he dug into the soft ground of the desert. "I swear to fuckin' god," her muttered voice came out broken and slurred.

"Now, now," the faceless man tisked, "I would not call your lords name in vain."

In that moment, he had stood from his spot knelt onto the ground with two things in his tanned hands. The first; a blue and silver flash drive that flickered in the rays of the sun light. The second, unmistakably a nine millimeter pistol.

"Can't believe you'd leave your own gun in here," he motioned down to the box that was previously buried in the ground, "you think I'd give you the chance to grab it?" He rhetorically asked her before his thumb moved slightly to release the clip from the pistol, the empty clip falling and clattering to the ground— no bullets loaded, "well, that's certainly interesting."

Hunter rolled her eyes, watching as he pulled his own pistol from the back of his waistband, checking the safety slyly before aiming it at the blonde in front of him. "You're really starting to piss me off," her voice was still slurred, a violent bite in her words as she glared at the man in front of him.

Quickly, Hunter rose to her feet and brought her zip tied hands down upon her hip bone with all of her might, snapping the plastic as she began running forward.

Three shots rang out, blood already staining the light color shirt that Hunter wore. The blonde looked down, fingers coming to touch the warm liquid that pooled on her chest before falling backwards.

𝙡𝙚𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙙𝙤𝙬𝙣. Evan Buckley ²Where stories live. Discover now