thirty three

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chapter thirty three.

STABILIZED, THAT WAS THE TERM the doctor had used to describe Hunter Callahan as he spoke to her Captain Nash

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STABILIZED, THAT WAS THE TERM the doctor had used to describe Hunter Callahan as he spoke to her Captain Nash. But that was all they could do, her now properly stitched and attended to wound was bandaged tight while an IV helped restore her blood loss and dehydration. It was her body that had to fight the rest of the way, that is, if it wanted to.

Death was an odd thing, Hunter had always thought of it as something she'd never have to face head on. So many questions surrounded death, what happened before, what happened after, most importantly what happening during.

There was a fine line between life and death but that line was hard to find. No one quite knew what it was, as anyone who crossed that line never lived to tell the tale. Hunter Callahan had yet to cross that line, but with time, she still could.

Maybe she was still in the state before death, or maybe this what was after was. Perhaps she was in between, in the process as she toed at the line between earth and beyond. She was unsure. It felt like a dream she couldn't quite place, fuzzy visioned and hazy surroundings.

She had known her body laid in a hospital bed, she felt a phantom pain in her side but when she looked down nothing had been there. Instead, she wore the green and tan cammies she been adorned with for eight years and when she lifted the shirt, her skin was smooth. No trace of a burn, bullet hole, or staple punctures.

Hunter dropped her shirt back down against her body, head swiveling as she looked around, she could have been anywhere. Of course, she noticed she was outside at the trees and grass, a small dirt road but it still could have been anywhere. Texas? California? Maybe not even on earth.

Then she had saw him. The dusty mess of curly dirty blond locks and a bright white smile. His cammies matched her own but he had looked different than the last time she had saw him. This version of him was lively— well, alive— and had flush tan skin and a beating heart.

"Lane," she had called out to him, his head finally turning to look at her as she picked up the pace in her steps and made her way to him.

"Hunter Quinn," he replied, opening his arms as she all but fell into them. Hunter sucked in a breath, the oaky scent of his cologne and slight tinge of tobacco from him chew filled her nose. His heart beat pounded into her ear, her own heart racing too.

𝙡𝙚𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙙𝙤𝙬𝙣. Evan Buckley ²Where stories live. Discover now