forty six

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LET YOU DOWNchapter forty six

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chapter forty six

THE BLUE—GREY WALLS WERE obnoxiously suffocating for Hunter her she laid back on the leather couch and twiddled with her thumbs without breaking eye contact

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THE BLUE—GREY WALLS WERE obnoxiously suffocating for Hunter her she laid back on the leather couch and twiddled with her thumbs without breaking eye contact. A small smirk remained on her face.

Dr. Bailey at across from her in his own pristine white arm chair, legs crossed with a pen and notepad in his hands.

"Did you do the homework?"

Hunter cocked her head, "No," she deadpanned with a shake of her head.

The doctor let out a sigh, dropping his notepad into his lap as he narrowed his eyes at the blonde woman, "why not?"

"It was fuckin' stupid."

"I'd like to be able to form a relationship in which you'll be able to let me help you —"

Hunter squinted her eyes before cutting him off, "are you dumb?" She scoffed out, "at what point will you understand I don't like this bullshit?"

Her voice was exasperated, a whine almost from exhaustion of sitting in a silent room. Yes, she could have kept a straight face and not said a word, but she was so bored.

"Talking to me isn't a form of punishment—"

"But it is," she cut him off again, leaning forward so her arms were now resting on her knees, "I wouldn't be here if I didn't find myself neck deep in bullshit a few months ago."

The young Doctor Bailey let out a deep breath, staring at the woman who still proved to be his most difficult patient to date. "What if I make you a deal?" He proposed, a small smirk on his lips as he watched the blue eyes of his patient roll before he even finished his sentence.

"Does it involve me leaving?" She deadpanned, leaning back again and stretching her arm across the back of the couch as she looked at him, challenging his smirk.

"Potentially," he shrugged ominously, cocking his head to the side as he looked back down at his notepad before looking back up again, "five minutes, five minutes of speaking to me, answering my questions is all I ask of you for today— after that, I'll let you leave early."

𝙡𝙚𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙙𝙤𝙬𝙣. Evan Buckley ²Where stories live. Discover now