forty five

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chapter forty five.

THE SOUND OF ELASTIC SNAPPING was barely audible over the mass panic and distraught of the scene, Hunter pulling the blue latex gloves onto her hands as she strode just a step behind Eddie

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THE SOUND OF ELASTIC SNAPPING was barely audible over the mass panic and distraught of the scene, Hunter pulling the blue latex gloves onto her hands as she strode just a step behind Eddie.

Kneeling down, Hunter placed her fingers to feel for a pulse of the person laying still. "Pulse is steady," she told the Diaz, looking up at him, "knocked unconscious on impact?"

They guessed brake failure, a truck barreling into a high school homecoming parade wasn't something that seemed intentional— not as people reported the driver frantically honking before crashing.

The man nodded, agreeing with her assumption as he knelt down next to her, placing the plastic backboard on the ground before helping Hunter roll the woman onto it with a three count.

Her turnout gear weighed heavy on her shoulders, a thin layer of sweat covering her face from the heat of midday as the sun beat down onto all the people near by.

Hen watched from above, tapping on the Callahan's shoulder after she tagged the woman with a yellow tag— signaling she had been assessed and was alive, but waiting for more help. Pointing over to the side, hen gestured for the two to take care of another victim.

Calls hadn't been quite the same since chimney had started taking more consistent time off in his manhunt search for Maddie. Besides, he wouldn't have been able to handle Jee and working at the fire house, even if he wasn't tearing himself apart over the absence of the Buckley woman.

"Hey, miss, are you alright?" One of the bystanders had been asking the younger woman, clad in a cheerleading uniform as she laid out unmoving on the sidewalk.

Eddie ran over first, Hunter not far behind him. She stopped before did, placing a hand on the man who was trying to talk to her, "let's back up a moment," she told him, "are you okay?" She asked, looking at the small cut on his head, a slight trickle of blood pooling around the superficial wound.

"Yeah, yeah," he nodded, frantic panic in his eyes.

Hunter pulled him to the curb, "just sit down for a moment," she asked him, the last thing they needed was panic attacks on top of the other catastrophe. The other unit desperately needed to arrive, "wait here, once all the critical are assessed, we'll come back and clean you up— check for a concussion too."

𝙡𝙚𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙙𝙤𝙬𝙣. Evan Buckley ²Where stories live. Discover now