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chapter three.

THE LOUD SOUND OF HUNTER'S outlaw country played through the speakers of the gym

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THE LOUD SOUND OF HUNTER'S outlaw country played through the speakers of the gym. Luckily for her, no one else was there other than her and Buck. That was a perk of knowing the owner, being able to use the gym at free will after serving for years with his daughter.

"You ready to go again?" She asked the red Buckley boy.

He looked up at her breathlessly, "Give- give me a second."

Hunter laughed as she tossed him his water bottle, "I thought you taught Maddie to box?"

"Boxing and whatever that was are not the same," he tried to justify his tiredness. When Hunter had asked him if he felt like boxing, he had expected to be, well, boxing. Instead, he walked into the gym decorated in militia honor and got his ass handed to him, Muay Thai style.

Hunter stood to the side, waiting for the man to rise again, which he took his time doing. Once Buck felt like he could stand again, Hunter came over ready to spar. "I'll give you a fighting chance this time, hun."

Buck gave her a sarcastic smile as he swatted her hand away instead of returning the handshake she was offering. "You dick," Hunter scoffed in disbelief, bringing her leg up to aim a kick at his rib cage which was easily blocked with his forearms.

Neither were really fighting to win, Hunter held the same egotistical smirk as she tried to have fun. This was a game to her, not having to try. She just enjoyed dodging the blows from Buck and watching him tire himself out.

Buck lightly threw a punch, almost as if he was afraid to hurt the woman. Hunter ducked under his arm, grabbing his wrist and she moved to be behind him. Hunter held his arm behind her back, using her free hand to slap Buck on the ass with a smirk.

"That's- that's like the third time you've done that," he pointed out, jumping back away from her hands.

Hunter raised her hands in defense but kept a smile on her face, "Okay, but like, can you really blame me?"

𝙡𝙚𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙙𝙤𝙬𝙣. Evan Buckley ²Where stories live. Discover now