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chapter eighteen.

HUNTER SHUT THE HEAVY DOOR of the ladder truck as she exiting the vehicle, feet thudding hard onto the ground as she jumped

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HUNTER SHUT THE HEAVY DOOR of the ladder truck as she exiting the vehicle, feet thudding hard onto the ground as she jumped. The overhead blaring lights still flashed in all directs as looked up at the women. A rescue, like most of their calls nowadays.

The blonde woman brought the straps of the harness around her shoulders and waist as she now stood atop of the ladder truck with her captain, along with Eddie and Buck. Hunter cocked her head as she eyed the mother who hung half through the floor of her own balcony. "I don't think that's up to code..."

"Help!" The cries of the mother sounded out, her legs and feet wailing around as she tried desperately to find something to get a hold of.

"Alright, Buck, you go up. Hunt'll be right behind you," The pair of blonds nodded at the commands that left their captains mouth. Hunter watched as Buck climbed the rungs first before she glanced over at Eddie who stood still as a rock with his eyes flashing between the two.

"Stop," Hunter whispered to him through gritted teeth, "Be normal."

Eddie gave the Callahan woman a harshly pointed look, "Easier said than done."

As it turns out, Eddie was having a harder time adjusting than he had originally anticipated. Anytime the two stood in the same room as each other, his eyes wouldn't leave the pair as he watched suspiciously. It was like he was trying to find some sign he had missed all the way. Along with that, Hunter had also figured out the Diaz man thought her and Buck were strictly having sex, not dating. And to be frank, she did not care to change his mind on that.

"Ma'am, this is the LAFD, we're on our way up to you now," Bobby announced for the panicking woman to hear over his megaphone, "Just, uh, hang on tight."

Hunter gave Eddie a soft smile, as if it was an apology before clipping the carabiner of the red lifeline to her harness and beginning to climb the ladder herself. The blonde reached the top next to Buck in time to hear an older man with wide eyes filled with surprise say, "I'm going to cook inside..."

𝙡𝙚𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙙𝙤𝙬𝙣. Evan Buckley ²Where stories live. Discover now