thirty five

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chapter thirty five.

"EASY NOW," Alexa said as she helped Hunter through Buck's apartment door

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"EASY NOW," Alexa said as she helped Hunter through Buck's apartment door. "Remind me again, why does he get her and I don't?"

Alexa had been more that a little jealous she wasn't not chosen to be the caretaker of Hunter during this time, she was a registered nurse after all and was more than qualified, it felt like a slap to the face.

"Because your apartment has too many steps, Eddie is recovering too, Chimney has a baby, and I have my wife, child, and mother," Hen listed off the reasons why the others would not be staying with Hunter. In the Callahan's mind, she did not need a caretaker but when she had tried to express that feeling, she was met with an abundance of yells.

Alexa mumbled something under her breath as she helped Hunter sit on the couch, placing the blonde's tan combat backpack on the floor next to her. In addition to all the reasons Hen had listed, it made sense for her to be with Buck but Hen still had yet to know above the blossoming relationship.

"When did the doctor say I can have a drink?"

"He didn't say— that means don't have one anytime soon," Alexa scolded with a sigh as she threw the blonde a blanket. Hunter rolled her eyes and muttered under her breath, "buzz kill."

"Ha," hen laughed as she separated out Hunter's medication into separate piles on the coffee table, "you have fun with that, Buckaroo."

Buck shot the woman a tight lipped smile while Hunter raised her middle finger as Hen walked away, Alexa following close after as they began to leave, "Please call if you need anything."

"Yes, mom," Hunter saluted as Alexa shook her head with a grin, opening the door as she left.

Buck watched as the door closed, turning back the face the blonde, "do you want a hydrocodone now?"

"Drug me up," she sighed, stretching a hand out, it seemed the last of the painkillers had yet to fully wear off but she didn't want to give them the chance to. Normally, she would have dealt with the pain as she thought she deserved it, but she was in no mood to deal with that.

𝙡𝙚𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙙𝙤𝙬𝙣. Evan Buckley ²Where stories live. Discover now