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chapter sixteen.

"YOU THINK ITS WEIRD all the cases are solo acts?" Eddie asked, looking up from the tire that he was using a cloth rag to polish on the engine truck, "No teams

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"YOU THINK ITS WEIRD all the cases are solo acts?" Eddie asked, looking up from the tire that he was using a cloth rag to polish on the engine truck, "No teams. Everybody's working alone."

"I guess people are greedy, don't want to share the treasure," Buck suggested, looking down at the man who squatted on the floor. The 118 had responded to way too many calls in the past twenty four hours about the supposed treasure. The likelihood of it being found anyways was significantly low. Only three of the twelve treasures from Preiss' book The Secret. How would this be any different?

Each call, similar to the one before, had two things in common. No one ever found the treasure, and someone always left in either an ambulance or cop car.

"Well..." Hunter trailed off from her spot on top of the engine truck, looking down over the edge with a similar cloth to Eddie's in her hand. "I think everyone is too paranoid to work with someone."

"Maybe that's the flaw in their plan, two brains are better than one," He began suggesting as he looked up, "What if we worked on it together, split the five million fifty-fifty?"

"And then what about Fido?" Hunter asked, pointing a finger in Buck's direction.

The money and the whole prospect of a treasure hunt didn't entertain her. But she also knew it was only a matter of time before someone with the 118 thought it was a good sounding idea to track it down themselves.

"Sorry, I, uh, already made a deal with Taylor Kelly."

"You what?" Hunter spat out in surprise, shifting her focus to look down at the blond man and scratched at her head, "I mean... really?"

"Okay... how about splitting it four ways?" Buck asked.


Despite Hunter's protests, she— along with Eddie, stood in Buck's apartment as they looked at Taylor Kelly. The reported still glad in her jacket and skirt as she looked only at the blond man.

𝙡𝙚𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙙𝙤𝙬𝙣. Evan Buckley ²Where stories live. Discover now