thirty two; hunter begins cont.

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chapter thirty two.
hunter begins, pt. two.


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HUNTER WAS BACKED AGAINST a wall as the man clad in a Perahan o Tunban held the gun against her front of her throat. She was already bloody and bruised and no matter how good of a fighter she was, she was too tired to have quick reflexes.

"You don't want to do this," she told him lowly.

"Oh but I do," he said with a sadistic grin, his accent was overpowering as he spat in her face while his free hand began unstrapping the blondes bulletproof vest, "you've been tormenting my people, I think it's time for us to do the same."

"Do your fuckin' best," Hunter spat back as he grabbed her arm and forced her down into a medal chair, "I don't feel pain anymore."

"Oh, we'll see about that," he said, his smile dropping as he moved the gun to point towards the left side of her thigh before pulling the trigger. Hunter laid her head back as she bit her tongue and groaned. The man got down in her face again, "my father taught me how to kill someone over the course of three days-"

"Sounds like father of the year," she managed to get out as he brought the barrel of the gun against her forehead before gripping the fresh wound on her thigh. Hunter had always been told that her mouth would be the death of her one day, she just don't expect it to be so soon. She anticipated a good few years left before anything too bad happened. It was clear she was wrong.

The man had left the room, but not before chaining her down, leaving her there for what left like days but was mere hours. "Oh thank god, I was getting lonely," she sarcastically said when he had walked back into the room.

Hunter resisted the urge to scoff when the man practically threw the brown cloth bag over her head. She let out a small gasp as he chair was pushed backwards. The force slammed her back hard causing her to arch it in pain but she wouldn't show it.

𝙡𝙚𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙙𝙤𝙬𝙣. Evan Buckley ²Where stories live. Discover now