twenty five

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chapter twenty five.

THE SINKING FEELING IN Hunter's was one that had yet to be remedied, stuck inside her body for the last couple hours

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THE SINKING FEELING IN Hunter's was one that had yet to be remedied, stuck inside her body for the last couple hours. Miranda Tio was not okay, that much she knew. While Kyle had sent her home to Maine— across the county— Solotov had still manage to get to her, now clinging to her life in an ICU on the east coast with her parents by her side.

Kyle had hung up on her near immediately only to call miranda, granted with no answer as he waited until her mother had reached out. Even while in LA, Solotov had managed to find the woman, her car nothing but an ember in a ditch now.

She felt panicked, back into a corner almost as she walked around Buck's apartment with her tan tactical backpack. Her boots thudded against the ground, she never bothered taking them off as she figured she wouldn't be staying long. The 118 was still on call, leaving the apartment empty, save for Hunter.

Hunter walked room to room, throwing her own clothes into the backpack haphazardly. A lone book from his living room coffee table that belonged to her made its way into the bag too. She was breathing heavy, from stress rather than exertion as she prepared to leave. She could handle Buck, not right now.

She slung to backpack over one of her shoulders, she right arm as her left one was still healing from the bullet wound. She made her way to the kitchen, feet shuffling fast as she opened the fridge and pulled out her bottles of whiskey, stuffing them into her bag too.

The blonde slowly walked around the island in the kitchen, pausing as she looked down at her ring of keys, pursing her lips as she sighed. Hunter froze, however, at the turning of the doorknob. She swallowed hard as the blond male walked in behind her, her back turned away.

"Hey," he spoke, voice more cheery than the last time she had saw him, "I saw your truck outside— are you staying the night?" He asked, cutting himself of as he eyed her back while shutting the door behind him.

Hunter ran her tongue over her teeth, turning around to face Buck and cleared her throat before talking, "uh, no, I'm leaving actually."

He could see the different look in her eyes, one he hadn't seen before. Buck frowned, "you can stay, I don't mind."

𝙡𝙚𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙙𝙤𝙬𝙣. Evan Buckley ²Where stories live. Discover now