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chapter five.

A LOUD SILENCE ECHOED THROUGH the locker room as Hunter watched Buck tuck his shirt in

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A LOUD SILENCE ECHOED THROUGH the locker room as Hunter watched Buck tuck his shirt in. He had been trying to avoid his problems, along with Chimney which could only last so long.

"Are you sure you want to be here today?" Hunter asked him, worried about his current state.

"Yeah," he answered, not looking at her eyes, "the teams gotta have their spare parts."

Hunter head fell back as she scoffed, "you aren't spare part, Buck," she told him, not liking that he thought of himself like that.

Understandably so, the man was upset. His entire childhood was structured around a lie that left him questioning his place in the world. Maddie had finally split the secret that had been ripping her apart. Buck had been conceived in hopes of creating a positive bone marrow match for his older, leukemia stricken brother, Daniel. And judging by the lack of the third Buckley sibling, it was easy to see how that idea turned out.

"My parents only wanted me so I could save their other son," he snapped, looking over at her finally, "the better son—"

"It was not your job to save him," Hunter acknowledged, "you were a baby and I'm sure your parents still love you."

"Do they?" asked Buck, "because I never felt loved."

Hunter looked down, she felt bad for him and it seemed as if there was nothing she could do to help. She wasn't known for being good with emotions or helping others but she could still try. "Every single person in this firehouse is happy you're here. It doesn't matter what your parents made you feel because, frankly, they're pieces of shit. Family doesn't always come in the form of blood."

It seemed as if buck couldn't even process her words, "they never wanted me."

"That's not true," Hunter told him, "they worried about you so much when you were a kid. They never wanted you to get hurt or be in danger— they wouldn't have done that if they didn't love you—"

𝙡𝙚𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙙𝙤𝙬𝙣. Evan Buckley ²Where stories live. Discover now