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LET YOU DOWNchapter twelve

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chapter twelve.

HUNTER LOWERED HERSELF TO the ground and crossed her legs

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HUNTER LOWERED HERSELF TO the ground and crossed her legs. Looking between the ground and the sky before she finally said something, "I know I only come here like, what? Maybe two, three times a year. I'm sorry about that."

She paused, trying to find the words that she wanted, "I wanna come here more and see you but it's hard, lane, I never quite know what to say. But I don't know, I just figured it was time to stop by."

Hunter stretched herself out, supporting her weight on the palms of her outstretched hands. Hunter swallowed hard, "Cody died..." she all but whispered, "I- it all doesn't seem real yet, kinda like after I found you. I know there isn't, but if there is anything after this life, I hope you two find each other. And Donny."

"I'm kinda going through what I went through with you. Where I wake up and for the first couple of minutes I forget he's gone," she wiped at the tears that formed in her eyes, "and it hits me hard when I realize we'll never be able to go shooting or fix our trucks or just sit and drink."

The blonde sat up again, looking over the engravings on the stone before speaking, "and I've been seeing someone, uh, for the past couple months. I figured the least I could do is tell you," Hunter bitterly laughed, "he's nice, I think you'd like him— well, other than the obvious. Buck, Evan actually," Hunter added in before continuing.

"He was the first— the only person I've really told what happened," it wasn't a lie. She hadn't spoken the words out loud to anyone but Buck. Sure Bobby knew the man she was engaged to had died in Afghanistan. And hen, who most likely clued Chimney in, knew an ex of her's had died. Hunter wasn't quite sure what Eddie knew.

"I think I see some of you in him. The need to help people," she clarified, "I probably shouldn't have said the first part," Hunter cringed as she thought about it.

She shuffled again, bringing her knees to her chest and her chin to rest on her knees, "I miss you everyday," she admitted, "but I think I'm happy. It was hard to realize it but I can miss and honor and love you all while still being happy with someone new."

𝙡𝙚𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙙𝙤𝙬𝙣. Evan Buckley ²Where stories live. Discover now