thirty nine

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chapter thirty nine.

THE CALLAHAN'S BLONDE BABY hairs wisped wildly in the wind, the wind of the medavac helicopter and it's rotors blew strongly against her and the other firefighters

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THE CALLAHAN'S BLONDE BABY hairs wisped wildly in the wind, the wind of the medavac helicopter and it's rotors blew strongly against her and the other firefighters. She was more concerned with her braids than she was with the aircraft barely hanging onto the building.

"Hen, Buck, you check that cabin and see what we got. Eddie, hunt, you're with me," the captain ordered with a yell over the loud motor whining.

Hunter watched, a hand holding onto Eddie's free one as he leaned into the cabin, reaching to turn off the propelling rotors. The Callahan swore as the helicopter shifted at the sudden lost of movement from the engine, her body lurching forward slightly as she refused to let go of the Diaz.

She felt a hand grasp at her belt, keeping her from falling over the ledge of the roof, "we're slipping," she had heard Buck yell out.

"Yeah, no shit," Hunter called back with a grunt as she watched Eddie place himself upright in the helicopter, no longer falling through the window. The Diaz shot her a quick thumbs up before gently letting go of her hand.

Buck had helped pull Hunter up, rolling his eyes at her comment in the heat of the moment as they both moved to hold onto the flimsy cable that was keeping the helicopter from crashing to the ground.

"Backboard!" Chimney announced as he came out of the stairwell with the fore mentioned item before handing it down to Hen. "Hen, what do we got?"

"Spinal. I'm guessing cervical. We need to flip him on this backboard."

"That's a two-person job," chimney pointed out, reading himself to climb down.

"I'm available," Hunter heard Eddie faintly yell up as if it was the most simply thing ever. The Callahan rolled her eyes at the selflessness of the Diaz but kept her mouth shut.

𝙡𝙚𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙙𝙤𝙬𝙣. Evan Buckley ²Where stories live. Discover now